38: [par-king/lot]

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This chapter is dedicated to @imortalslover123 for reading through the entire book in two days and leaving so many wonderful comments. I can't thank you enough! :D


After Carmine's evening shift, she ascertains from Liam's fangirls that he's finishing up a board meeting in the Winston Room. So she patiently waits in the lobby until she sees Liam walking down the hall around 9:10p.m.

Standing up, Carmine straightens out her dress and walks up to her new boss. "May we talk? In private?"

A sly smile curls around Liam's face as he sneaks a glance at Carmine's cleavage. "Of course. Walk with me to my car."

This will be too easy, Carmine muses. Liam holds the illusion of power but in reality, he's still quite easily manipulated and careless. Especially when dealing with vampires. That will be his downfall. He should've never toyed with her. He's obviously never considered the repercussions of blackmailing a lethal half-blood. 

Once they reach the staff parking lot, Liam unlocks his car. "Get in," he commands, opening the passenger side door. Carmine is hesitant to enter the vehicle but does as she's told in order to avoid Liam's suspicion.

Once inside the car, Liam turns to Carmine, grabbing her by the hand. "So, do you have an answer for me?" 

He squirms in his seat and Carmine can see the heated lust in his eyes.

All men are nothing but dumb animals, Carmine scoffs to herself, weakened by their carnal desires and putty at my feet. So pliable.

"Yes," Carmine says slowly, "I've made my decision."


"I've decided to be with you." The words taste bitter on Carmine's tongue and she tries to speak them with as much conviction as possible. "I don't want to cause a scene in Richmont. I would be more than happy to buy your silence and cooperation with my body."

"That's what I like to hear," Liam purrs, curling his index finger and brushing it against Carmine's cheeks. "Shall we start tonight? At my place?"

Carmine tightly grips the small tranquilizer hidden in her dress pocket. It's now or never. You need to get him down before he starts driving away.

"I like a man who doesn't beat around the bush," Carmine whispers, leaning closer to Liam's ear. 

Should she try to glamour him? Is it worth the risk? It's impossible to tell whether or not he has an anti-glamour charm on him. Carmine stares straight into Liam's eyes and says, "Stay right there and don't move."

Liam snickers, leaning back. "Don't play games with me. Glamour won't work, I'm protected."

Carmine bites her lower lips and forces herself to smile. So he's wearing an amulet. "I wasn't trying to glamour you," she whispers sweetly, leaning forward. "I was trying to give you a kiss." Her right palm is growing increasingly clammier as she secretly takes out the tranquilizer and hides it behind her back. She reaches for Liam's leg with her left hand and starts stroking his thigh. 

Up and down...up and down.

Liam exhales audibly, letting his shoulders sag. He closes his eyes and brings his mouth toward Carmine's. 

Carmine raises her right hand and thrusts the needle towards Liam's neck.

But she's too slow.

Liam's eyes fly open and he grabs her by the wrist, forcing her to drop the tranquilizer. "You bitch!" he cries. Slamming his forehead into hers, he causes her to fall back against the side window. Taking advantage of Carmine's disorientation, Liam quickly shoves his right hand on to Carmine's neck, choking her. With one swift, continuous motion, he picks up the fallen tranquilizer with his left hand and plunges the needle into the hollow of her neck. 

Carmine's vision quickly starts to grow blurry and she begins to see double.

She can vaguely see Liam digging around his pocket for something. "I didn't want to have to use these," he groans, lifting out a pair of shiny silver handcuffs. "But you leave me no choice. I thought you were going to play nice. Stupid bitch."

Carmine spits in Liam's face, her saliva landing in his eyes. "Screw you." 

Liam cuffs Carmine's wrists together and she can instantly feel the silver sear through her flesh. The metal causes large red and yellow blisters to form around her wrists. Carmine's veins begin to bulge and pulses of pain shoot up her arms all the way to her chest cavity. The torture device instantly paralyzes her and coupled with the effects of the tranquilizer, effectively strips Carmine of all her strength and ability to fight back.

Feeling limp and useless, Carmine slumps into the seat, her eyes rapidly drooping. She wants to scream and fight back and call Liam disgusting names but her tongue is tied. Carmine's brain slows down to a crawl. The simple act of mustering up a single thought feels as difficult as wading through quicksand.

With a dreary sigh, Carmine shuts her eyes. The last thought that crosses her mind is, Is this the end? 

Then everything goes black.

On to Ch. 39...

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