34: [Par-tee]

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The next morning, a gentle knock wakes Carmine up. Rolling over with a groan, she covers up her sore eyes with her arm, trying to block the sun's radiance.

Bright light filters through the apartment's tall windows. The master bedroom is stuffy and hot. It feels like a sauna and Carmine struggles to draw breath. She slips off the edge of the bed and walks toward the window to open it. Taking in a deep whiff of fresh air she starts making the bed, shaking out the blankets and fluffing the pillows.

Another knock at the door.

"Can I come in? I made you some breakfast. We need to go to work soon," Sebastian says.

"Sure," Carmine replies, tucking in the edge of the bedsheets.

The door swings open and Sebastian walks in with a tray of food. A round plate is loaded up with eggs and sausages. A tall glass of milk stands beside it. Sebastian's mouth drops and he quickly turns around, his face going beet red. "Y-You're naked," he stammers.

Carmine's eyes grow wide and she quickly moves to cover up her private parts. She blinks rapidly and then crouches down behind the bed, eager to make herself as small as possible.

Sebastian swiftly exits the room, still carrying the tray. "I'll be outside!"

Carmine chastises herself as she gets down on all fours and looks for the towel from last night. She finds it at the foot of the bed and quickly wraps it around her body. Then she steps outside and awkwardly asks, "Where are my clothes?"

"Oh shit!" Sebastian cries. "I'm so sorry. I forgot to put them in the dryer. They're probably stinky and gross by now."

Carmine rolls her eyes. "It's fine. Can I borrow one of your shirts then?"

"Sure," Sebastian says, darting past Carmine and into the bedroom. A minute later he re-emerges with a large black t-shirt. "Will this do?"

"Yeah, that's fine." Carmine snags the t-shirt and disappears into the bathroom.

When she comes out again, Sebastian starts laughing. "You look adorable." The oversized tee hangs just barely past Carmine's bum. Every step sends a breezy whoosh between her legs. She feels inordinately exposed but at this point it's better than nothing. 

To an outsider looking in, it would appear as if she slept with him last night. Carmine's hair is tousled and she has pillow marks across her ruddy cheeks. 

The truth, however, is much more innocent. Sebastian is a perfect gentleman. He didn't even try to take advantage of her when she was most vulnerable. 

"What are you going to wear to work?" Sebastian asks, eyeing Carmine up and down. A small crease forms across his forehead.

"I have my uniform in my locker," Carmine replies.

"But you can't wear my oversized t-shirt all the way to work! People will talk," Sebastian laughs. "Especially when we show up together."

"Just dry my clothes while I eat."

"Yes ma'am," Sebastian laughs, walking over to the washer-dryer set.

Carmine bites her bottom lip as she takes a seat at the table. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound demanding. You've been more than generous with your time and resources."

"I don't mind," Sebastian replies. He wrings his wrists nervously and then gives his neck a little scratch. "And uh-sorry about you know- earlier-"

Carmine holds up her hand. "No, no, don't apologize. It was completely my fault. I wasn't thinking straight when I let you in."

"I don't blame you. After what we've endured the past two days..." Sebastian walks back over and pulls out a dining table chair beside Carmine. "Here, have some breakfast. I remember how much you like your meat."

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