I Need Your Help!

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I need your help, fellow Wattpad lovers!

Nobody knows about this book outside of Wattpad. I need to generate buzz. Can you do me a huge favor? I'll love you forever if you do.

Go to Cutthroat Carmine's Amazon sales page: https://amzn.com/B012LM7X18

and Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/25998685-cutthroat-carmine

...and leave an honest review! If you liked it, great, let the whole world know. If you didn't, I'd love to know why! 

This step is vital to this series' future success. Please, share your opinion with the outside world. I could really, really use the help and support. All it takes is an Amazon and Goodreads account. Sign up, go to the website and click 'Leave a Review'. You don't need to purchase or download anything (though this book is free on Amazon US). Just mention you read the book on Wattpad. 

Love you all,


Cutthroat Carmine (Book 1)(COMPLETE) (Wattpad Featured Novel)Where stories live. Discover now