Time with you N.R

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You cleared your throat after entering Nat's office after office hours. You wanted to take Nat out on a date but you weren't sure if she was going to work overtime tonight.

Nat looked up after hearing you. "Hey, darling. I'm almost done, why don't you take a seat?" She gestured towards the small sitting area in front of her table.

Instead of sitting, you went behind Natasha and wrapped your arms around her neck. "But I want to be close to you..." You whined as you gave Nat a kiss on her jaw.

"Alright... I was going to take a couple of minutes but I can go now if you want." She rubbed your arms that were in front of her.

"No, finish it." You ordered. "I don't want you to be thinking about your unfinished work when you're with me."

"Yes ma'am." She chuckled and raised her hands in surrender. It was uncomfortable bending over so you went and dragged a chair over so you could sit next to Natasha while she worked. With the clicking sound of the keyboard, it slowly lulled you to sleep.

"Darling..." You heard someone say as they rubbed your cheeks. "It's only been a few minutes and you've fallen asleep? Is my work that boring?"

You yawned and stretched yourself. "It is when that's all I have been seeing in the day and I have to see yours too."

"Anyways, I'm ready, shall we go now?" You nodded and took Natasha's hand.

>time skip to last part of date<

You and Natasha were sitting at the top of the hill admiring the stars, laying on the back of her car after the amazing dinner you had. Both of you were cuddled up together with the spare blanket that was always kept in Nat's car as both of you often make impromptu trips.

"Why did you want to go out today?" As much as Nat loves to spend time with you, she knew that you'd hardly invite her anywhere unless there was something to commemorate about.

"I just want to spend time with you." You said and snuggled closer to her, placing your head on her shoulder.

The wind was blowing stronger and even though you were wrapped up in the blanket, you were shivering and cold, especially your face.

"Darling, shall we head back?" Nat said and placed a kiss on your head. You nodded tiredly. Natasha burritoed you in the blanket and placed you in the passenger seat carefully, not wanting to knock your head on the door.

Days later, while everyone was having dinner at the table, when you spoke up, mostly speaking to Nat but the others can know about it too, to keep them in the loop. "I'm visiting my uncle the day after tomorrow." You said after putting a spoonful of food into your mouth.

"Want me to come with you?"

"No, it's okay, C.J (your brother) is coming with me." You informed her.

"Surely I can send you both there." Natasha offered.

"It's alright we are going in the morning and you still have to work." You declined her offer politely. The rest of the day was spent peacefully in each other's presence.

No matter how many times you told Natasha there was no need to send you out, she insisted. She woke up together with you and made sure you had everything as you walked out of the compound.

It was your turn to worry about her. "Make sure to take some rest Nat, I know you tend to overwork yourself and don't forget to eat. You can have a free day off sometimes. Don't train all the time and don't be mean to the rest of the team."

"Okay okay, you're just going for the week, why are you saying as if you are going to leave forever?" Natasha placed both hands on my shoulders and looked at me. She looked so blissful that it broke my heart.

"I love you." You gave her a lasting hug that you never wanted to end.

"I love you too." She rubbed your back and you had to bite your bottom lip to prevent your tears from falling. From afar, you saw C.J's car coming and you pulled away slightly, planting a kiss on her lips before placing another on her forehead, tipping toes.

"I got to go. See you when I come back again." You said softly, voice shaking slightly at the end. Natasha nodded as C.J's car stopped in front of the both of you.

"Take care of her for me will you?" She told C.J after you got in the passenger seat. He made the salute sign with two fingers to Nat and she returned one to him as well. "I'll miss you." Nat whispered in your ears before kissing your cheek.

You continued to look at Nat through the side mirror as C.J drove off. Once the compound vanished from your sight, you started sobbing uncontrollably.

"It's gonna be okay, sis." He reassured you and rubbed your shoulders. He knows you were going through a tough time and the future is unknown at the moment.

Natasha was at work. You were sitting at the edge of your bed when you had a realisation. You can just feel it in your body. Something was wrong. You didn't know how to explain it but you just felt different from normal. Once you let your fear set in, you felt goosebumps all over your body as you got up shakily.

You were crying all the way as you made your way to the hospital. You could have gone to Bruce but it was truly bad news, you couldn't count on him to keep his mouth shut. No matter how many times your hands wiped the tears away from your face, your ugly crying face was plastered even as you were filling up the forms for the hospital.

After going through a series of tests, reality hit you like a rock when Dr Ford announced that you have pancreatic cancer. It didn't show any symptoms until it was much more advanced, while you were lucky enough that it wasn't at the last stage, it wasn't the beginning either.

Just as how you entered the hospital, you left the same way, this time to your brother's house. You didn't care how others looked at you. Others probably thought you had broken up with you boyfriend/girlfriend but little did they know you had broken up with your body.

With tears still streaming down your face but at a slower pace, you knocked on C.J's door and he was surprised by your state and sudden visit. "Sis! What happened? Did you and Natasha fight or something?"

You shook your head and sniffled. Your brother invited you to his house and you hugged him while telling him what happened earlier.

"Oh sis... are you sure you don't want to tell Nat?" He said after I told him my plan.

"She can't know..."

Written on 6 Feb 2022
Posted on 7 Aug 2022

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