I'm Scared S.J

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Child!Reader x Mom!Scarlett

During her break in between projects, Scarlett loves to bring you out to explore and try new things to broaden your perspective. This time, she has decided to introduce you to the 4D experience; she even invited Lizzie.

Your recent obsession was Transformers, and lucky for her, there was a new exhibition in town in line with the recent new Transformers movie. After purchasing the tickets online, she gave the time and location to Lizzie, who would be meeting them there.

"Are you ready?" Scarlett asked as she finally finished dressing you. Knowing that you were going to meet the Transformers, you insisted on wearing your best shirt. Deeming what you wanted was appropriate, she helped you pass your limbs through the holes of the shirt as you started rambling about what you were going to do when you met them.

"Yes, mama! Me excited to meet them!" You raised your hands and cheered loudly. Once Scarlett's hands leave you, you run out to put your shoes on. They were velcro tape, so you did them easily as you jumped and waited for your mom to be done.

"Calm down, Y/N. Our tickets have timing, so there's no point in reaching there earlier." She explained, but it was not like you understood it. You shrugged off words coming out of her mouth and continued dragging your mom out the door. Scarlett could only shake her head as she looked at you, trying to move her to no avail. "Alright, come on." Suddenly, you felt yourself getting taller until you reached your mom's height. She buckled you safely into the car seat before making her way to the driver's seat and heading off.

When you saw your Aunt Lizzie from the window, you kicked your legs and started waving at her. Thankfully, she could recognise you from the car, which made your kicking stop before your mom could tell you off.

"Are you excited about this? We are going to see the Transformers! Aren't they your favourites? You'll be able to see them transform in real life!" Lizzie asked as soon as she opened the doors.

"That was all she could think about. If she could be here in the morning, she would have." Scarlett answered.

Once both ladies ensured everything was taken, With Lizzie carrying you, they went to the gate to scan their tickets. They were given a green tag to show they had purchased the ticket with the 4D experience.

There were many things inside to look at, such as the weapons they used, cars, and movie clips. Once they were inside, Lizzie placed you on the floor and allowed you to roam as long as you were in their sight.

"Never would I imagine myself walking amongst all these." Lizzie muttered as she gave it a look around.

"Having a daughter makes you do a lot of things you didn't think you would need as well." Scarlett smiled and said when she heard what her friends commented. You breezed pass a lot of the displays that weren't your height until you saw those character mascots moving around. "Mom! Come here!" You shouted for her and she instantly knew what you wanted. There were lots of kids and adults in that area waiting to be able to get a photo with their favourite character.

You waited patiently in line as you chatted with your aunt, informing her of all the things you did in school. She listened, intrigued and occasionally asked you a few questions to elaborate on and you were happy that someone was willing to listen to you and interested in what you were doing. You didn't even realised that you were in the front of the line until you heard your mom asking you to stand near Optimus Prime.

You smiled widely as Scarlett took your picture, a few words were exchanged between you and Optimus Prime before it was time to head into the 4D theatre. It was just a short 4 min clip. Everyone was given special glasses at the entrance that they were required to wear in order to get the experience.

Scarlett explained to you what was going to happen. A type of movie that 'jumps out of the screen' with other added effects such as mist, wind and moving chairs in order to heighten the realism of the clip.

You were really excited about it as the movie started as it felt like you could touch the characters. You raised your little hands trying to interact with them, but you felt nothing but the cold air. "You can't actually touch them, baby. It just looks like it's there." Scarlett brought your hands back, trying not to block other people's view.

It was getting to the action part where you were trying to escape from the bad guys in Bumblebee's car. You were already scared as there was a lot going on and happening so close to you. After driving through the city with meteors falling from the sky, a dead end was approaching with nowhere but down to go.

"Hang on tight!" Bumblebee said before transforming mid air in order to protect you, the passenger. You could feel the wind in your face and it really felt like you were falling. Due to the glasses, it felt like the debris were close to hitting you. Once Bumblebee landed on the floor, the chair shook with the impact. This made tears slip from your eyes, and seconds later, you were crying loudly. Thankfully, that was the end of the clip and the others were exiting the theatre. Even though you were sitting on Lizzie's lap the entire duration, you reached out for your mother.

"Oh... did that scare you, baby?" Scarlett took you from Lizzie, trying to sooth you as best she could. "It's alright. It's just like a movie, it's not real. It's not going to hurt you."

Once everyone was out, Lizzie went to grab your water bottle from the side of Scarlett's bag, silently asking if she would like to offer you some. She took it from her and started guiding it to you.

It took some time for you to calm down to be able to drink, but once you did, your tears stopped flowing and you tried to sniff them back. "It's scary." You said in a small voice as your arms wrapped around Scarlett's neck.

"Yeah, mama probably shouldn't have shown this to you yet huh."

"Just say the word, Y/N. And I'll beat your mama for you." Lizzie raised her fist prepared to defend you.

But you only held onto your mom tighter. "No Aunt Lizzie, without mama I have no place to stay. I love mama."

Both ladies' hearts melted at your words and you just won your way to a few toys at the souvenir section.

Written on 29 June 2023
Posted on 16 Nov 2023

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