Not kicking N.R

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Your POV
People say after the fifth month of your pregnancy, the baby becomes more stable and the likelihood of a miscarriage decreases.

However, I've started to feel a bit different. I haven't been feeling our baby kick for some days and negative thoughts started spiraling in my mind.

Nat and I have been trying for a baby the longest time. It was causing us a lot of stress so we finally gave up but I started having morning sickness and the symptoms of pregnancy and went to take a test and it turned out positive. There was really a miracle baby growing in me.

We were really careful and scared in the beginning, taking a lot of precaution as we did not have much experience in this. We finally had a chance at this shot and we didn't want it to slip between our fingers.

"Baby, are you feeling alright? You have been standing there for a long time." Nat came and placed a hand on my back. "What's on your mind? Come on, talk to me."

I turned to face her for a second before hiding my face in her neck. "What's wrong baby?" She wrapped her arms around me and rubbed my back up and down.

"I haven't been feeling the baby kick for a few days. I'm really scared that something is wrong..." I muttered and sniffed..

"Don't think too much, baby. Haven't you still been having morning sickness everyday?" For some reason, the toothpaste's smell really triggers my morning sickness. And so each morning and night it was a tough decision to brush my teeth or throw up. "If you really want, we can go see our doctor tomorrow." I nodded into her chest and Nat brought me up to bed.

"We'll go first thing tomorrow." She kissed my forehead before lulling me to sleep.

"Over here, you can see your baby and this is the heartbeat." The gynecologist pointed out and we were able to hear the steady heartbeat coming from the machine.

"It's not moving though..." I pointed out.

"Yeah, it seems like the baby loves to sleep. Don't worry, your baby is healthy."

I heaved a sigh of relief as Nat held my hand. The doctor gave me some tissues to clean off the gel and Nat helped me down from the bed.

"Now you can relax baby, nothing is wrong with our child." She gently rubbed your baby bump as she spoke.

"It scared me."

"It's alright. If you ever feel like that again you can come and tell me okay? Do you want anything before we head back to the compound?" Nat asked.

"I'm craving for some sweets." I cheekily said.

"At the amount you're eating. I'm sure our child will grow up to have a sweet tooth."

"But I'm craving for it..."

"I'm going to get it for you."

For the rest of the pregnancy, there was hardly any movement coming from the baby. It was rare when the baby would move and Nat really had to coax the baby to make some movement when she spoke to my baby bump at night before we slept.

"How is the baby sleeping the whole day?" Nat grumbled when there was no movement again.

I chuckled at her. Nat stayed with me the whole day today as she really wanted to catch it in action. She has been feeling my bump a lot at every chance she has, which was pretty much always today. She did manage to feel the baby in the morning but that was all she got. Nat did a little pout before I kissed her and got ready to sleep.

The trait continues even after the baby is born. After its first cry, she went back to sleep after nursing and only ever cried when she needed a change or feed.

It was really good for us as it meant that we didn't need to wake up unnecessarily during the night because she usually just sleeps right through.

She was the easiest baby to care for. We never have to force to take a nap, she just takes them willingly. We place her in her crib or mat and she drifts off to sleep within a few minutes of either of us patting her. There isn't much interaction for her as there were no other kids around other than Morgan but she plays by herself just fine. She hardly cries unless she has done something wrong or wet herself.

I don't know if it's because of Nat or I, but when we are feeding her, she sits still and never moves until she's done or we gave her the clear to go and play again.

I was definitely worried about her development, because she hasn't been speaking much other than the few usual words but as she grows, she sure turned out to be alright.

Written on 15 Jul 2022
Posted on 2 Oct 2022

Inspired by my mother and the baby is me :)

She did went to get check because I wasn't moving much and all the morning sickness and craving were hers. I did get a sweet tooth and wouldn't be surprised if I get diabetes in the end. 

We hardly went out when I was a toddler so I mostly stayed at home and played by myself. I was kinda of a loner since the beginning. 

My mum told me I did wet myself when she was potty training me and that was the one of times when she actually had to scold me. 

The main point was, I was great as a kid but I grow older, I get naughtier and lazier.

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