How am I going to trust pt2 N.R

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Natasha tried everything to win you back. But with you avoiding her there was only so much she could do. News travels around fast in SHIELD and the Avengers, soon people know the reason why you haven't been seen around Natasha recently. Some, in fact, most people think that you would get back together seeing how you've been going strong for years.

Wanda, on the other hand, thought differently.

Natasha was at the canteen, getting ready to pay for her coffee when Wanda swooped in to make the payment and added another order of hot tea for herself. They brought their conversation to the table where she gave Natasha a harsh reality check.

"Y/N is a woman with principle, white is white and black is black. It's going to be really hard to win her back." Wanda explained.

"I know, being with her for so long, I understood her values."

"She's a great person, a lot of people would be fighting over her."

"Hey, are you here to cheer me up or bring me down?"

"I'm just here to tell you the truth instead of giving you baseless lies and bring your hopes up." Natasha was her senior and has helped her through a lot when she first joined the Avengers and now wants to help her senior a little, in any way she can.

"But I do hope you get back together. You can find me if you need any help." Wanda patted Natasha's shoulder before walking off, leaving Nat alone in her thoughts.

Life continues on without stopping even though the both of you haven't been talking. There was absolutely no chance of speaking to you since the both of you were in different departments and you have been staying in SHIELD instead of the apartment you both shared. Each night, Nat waited for your return, hoping to be able to explain to you the situation but you just wouldn't appear at the door. You were avoiding her, not returning her calls and texts.

While working, Nat received a text from you. Which was surprising since you have been avoiding her.

I want to settle things.
Meet me at (address).
Tell Steve to come too.

Reading your message, she wasted no time in bolting out of her office and texted Steve to meet her at the location as well. The team understood she needed to leave to get back her wife, it was no longer busy after cracking that huge case so no one really objected her in leaving.

When Nat arrived at the location, it was unlike a meeting place you would set. It is like a factory with many rooms for office space.

"Y/N! Y/N? Where are you?" Nat began opening each door but it was locked. A message came through on her phone again and it read.

You want to see Y/N?
The password is 1234.

It definitely came from Y/N but the sender appears to be a different person. Nat went to the only room which has a keypad lock and entered the password. The door opened successfully and she saw you bound and gagged to the chair.

"Y/N!" Her eyes widened in terror. You shook your head trying to signal to Nat, not to enter but either she didn't get it or she chose to ignore it. Nat got to your side instantly and untied the ropes around your wrist and took out the gag in your mouth.

You took a deep breath before saying. "I told you not to enter, why didn't you listen?"

Claps could be heard in the room and Nat turned to the source of the sound. "You didn't really think the password was 1234, did you?" It was the one of the masterminds of the case that the team had just solved but they were unable to convict him of his crime, only his partner because she confessed everything on her deathbed.

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