Hidden identity S.J Req

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Second POV
You and your wife, Scarlett, have kept the relationship a secret for a really long time. Partially also because of your long departure so both of you were hardly captured together, but also because you and Scarlett have chosen very carefully who to tell your relationship. Other than both your parents and a handful of friends, there were hardly anyone who knew.

You were in the special force in the army specialising in terrorist group. Some may think that there aren't a lot of terrorist attack happening each year but a lot actually don't get published to the public or it will cause a lot of distress.

Your Captain received a tip that a terrorist group had hacked into government army database and was planning to release a bunch of information of military personnel. Naturally, their target venue was the Marvel table at Comic Con where there would already be a lot of people taking videos. Of course this wasn't the best thing to happen, the main point was to remain hidden and undetected. You can't have people recognising you and compromising the mission you were doing.

On the surface level, no one would know who you were. Every mission, you would wear a mask and only your eyes were visible. Unfortunately for you, despite your mentor telling you not to leave a mark, you couldn't help but wink before eliminating your target. You can't remember the amount of times you get reprimanded for it and having to do laps around the base.

"Everyone is in position, Captain." You relayed the information since you were the Vice-captain. Your team and you were laying in the vents. Kinda ironic to be doing simultaneously with the Marvel Table but it had to be done. There were way too many people on the ground and from above, you're able to get a bird's eye view of everything.

So far everything was clear. Things were going smoothly, no sign of the target and the actors and actresses were answering questions without knowing anything.

You knew since early in the morning that you were going to be in the same space with your wife but you didn't tell her. Freaking her out about her safety and risking raising the suspicions of the target was the last thing you wanted to happen. You knew you weren't going to let anything happen to her.

As they were answering some questions, the projector suddenly turned on. The room went quiet thinking it was some trick from Marvel before raising their voice again when they saw several masked men and women in their uniforms sitting together getting interviewed.

The man behind the camera started asking questions like "What is your code name?"

And their answers were: Psycho Killer, Frenzy, Gunslinger and Bounty Hunter. Once your team's code name was announced, your Captain gave everyone the go to drop out of the vents with wire hanging from your waist. Even though the sound in the video was muffled due to voice alteration, they can see everyone's tattoos and our arms as we were holding our guns.

"I don't care how or who I kill. If I get told to kill, I do it." // "Around 250 and still counting." // "When I'm taunting the person I'm killing I wait for them to spot me. I wink and if I'm in a building and they run, I do a flip and chase them before killing them."

Answers started rapid firing as the video started zapping answer after answer. The background was CCTV footage of your team doing exactly what was said and other missions too.

Then they started revealing the category of spouse in the team. Everyone's face with masks on were on the screen and those that have partners, their names were shown on the screen. You quickly located the projector and shot it down just as it got to your name, showing Scarl-

You breathed a sigh of relief as you managed to protect her name from getting out before turning and glaring at the terrorist you had ID. He looked up like everyone one else at the sound of the gunshot and you winked at them so they started bolting off. You unbuckled your wire and did a flip before landing.

We chased after them and ran past the table of cast who had moved back to safety. Forgetting about the mic, we went towards Scarlett and gave her a quick kiss. "Why aren't you going after them?" She asked.

"He's just a little ant, I can chase after him anytime. Let them think they got away with it then I'll catch them." After making sure she was fine, you ran off when you heard another gunshot afar.

You parkoured and climbed back into the vent. Due to the interruption, the interview ended there as the security deemed it to be too risky for it to continue. Back when they were in the green room, Elizabeth was asking who was the one who approached her but she didn't give a reply. They were talking amongst themselves while trying to figure out on the internet what happened when the topic circled back to her again.

"Both of you looked so intimate with each other." Robert stated.

"Yeah, are you sure you don't know who that person was?" Anthony continued to pressure.

"She's my-" Before she was able to complete her sentence, you walked back into the room and nodded towards the door for her to leave and the boys got all protective and tried to stop her from leaving as Chris and Robert were walking towards you.

You smirked at them even though they were unable to see and due to your mask. Once Chris's hand landed on your shoulder, you took his arm and flipped him on his back, making everyone wide-eyed. Scarlett was shocked and ran over and pushed you away to stop anything else from happening and stood in front to introduce you.

You didn't give her a chance to finish her sentence before lifting her up and placing her on your shoulder without saying anything. With one foot out of the door, you turned behind and gave a wink before leaving them stunned.

Written on 29 Sept 2022
Posted on 30 Sept 2022

Requested by anon
Hope it's okay.

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