Party games N.R

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Your POV
It was the usual gimmick of Tony, hosting a party after a successful mission, one important as the one we just completed.

I picked out my dress and after getting the approval from Nat, I put it on and went to find her.

After Nat put on her glamorous dress and placed her pointer finger under my chin to make me look at her in her eyes. "You know the drill." Nat said.

"I'll come and find you if I have any problem." It was just a simple rule that I needed to follow, I was allowed to use any method to get to Nat. But ever since the incident, I hardly ever left Nat's side.

"Let's go beautiful." I linked my arm around her and we got to the floor where the party had started.

In the beginning, the Avengers always mingled around their friends they invited before finding others. However, not Natasha. She never invited anyone and preferred mixing her own drinks to pass time before the crowd leaves.

I sat in front of her holding the glass of Emerald Cooler in front me. In the past, I never invited any friend as well but I would always go around and meet some new people, just saying some hi and bye before leaving until that one fateful night.

"What's a beautiful lady like you doing here alone?" A random guy came up to the bar and tried to flirt with me.

"I'm not alone. I'm with the bartender here." He placed his hands on my thigh and I moved away facing another direction.

"The bartender is everyone's friend."

"Not for you." Nat splashed him with the contents in her shaker before grabbing a bottle of champagne and knocking it across the face. I'm pretty sure the bottle was tougher than his skull.

He was knocked out cold on the floor as the guards went to take him out. I faced inside the bar and looked at Nat. I could only sigh. Why is it always me? Do I look that weak and vulnerable?

"Let's go. They wrapped up the party early." Nat left the bar for the other bartenders to clean up. "Do you want any other drink before we leave?" She looked at the half-drunk cocktail in my glass.

I shook my head and followed her to where the rest of the Avengers are.

The rest of the party was more relaxing and carefree. I cuddled up to Natasha while we played Truth or Dare. Knowing Stark and Clint, there would always be something dirty and playful. But thanks to Wanda, I get to give them a show and make out with Nat for a minute.

After everyone gave up trying to lift Thor's hammer, Tony decided to change the game. My head was still on Nat's shoulder when Tony suggested Who Got It.

"One shot of Vodka and one shot of water. We have to guess who got the glass of Vodka." Tony explained the game.

"Where did you come up with the game?" Clint questioned.

"Wouldn't you like to know... Okay, Nat and Y/N, you're up first." I groaned at the sound of it. I'm not too good with liquor, what's more with straight shots. Lets hope I get the shot of water, I'm sure Nat can deal with the Vodka.

We turned our back against the table as they had someone else to fill the shot glasses. "Alright, choose your glass. Once you touch the glass you can't change. We are going to have our backs turn. Tell us when you have chosen." I looked at Nat, asking her to choose first. She kissed me on my lips before choosing the glass on the right.

I picked up the left glass. "Okay, one, two, three, drink." Tony is way too excited for this. Once I brought the glass to my mouth, the smell of alcohol hit my nose. I had to put on a poker face and downed the burning liquid in my throat. I wanted to make some sort of face but with the objective of the game, I put on a straight face.

Why are they taking so long to answer? I can't hold it back anymore!  "Umm I guess it's Nat? I don't think Y/N would be able to hold so long." A few of them agreed with Steve and while some others thought otherwise, they decided to go with the majority.

"Okay, we think it's Nat." Tony concluded like a game master.

"It's me." I said in a husky voice as I reached out for the flask of water. I could smell the alcohol coming out of my mouth as I exhaled.

"Are you okay baby?" Nat asked concern.

I nodded. "But I think I'm going to feel it later... or now."

"I'm going to get a glass of ice water for you. You need to hydrate yourself." She went to get ice from the bar and placed them in my cup. I drank them as fast as my heart was beating. The game continued with another pair, The Maximoff Twins. This time, both of them made a face. It was time to guess who was faking.

"I think Pietro has got the Vodka." Nat input.

"I agree with Nat. He would have made a more dramatic face if he received the shot of water." Clint said knowing his buddy. I nodded along with them as I felt the effect of the liquor hitting me.

They revealed the answer and it was Pietro who received Vodka.

My face was burning up as I leaned on Nat, their voices started to drown out. I shifted around until I was sitting behind Nat, hugging her like a koala.

"Are you tired baby?" Natasha cooed and skillfully rubbed my back even though she was seated in front. My head was pounding but I was close to sleep.

"I'm comfortable here." I mumbled. I didn't want to get up or be moved.

Natasha POV
Y/N always liked to climb behind my back for comfort. I think it's some kind of animal instinct. I could feel her heart beating fast against my back. The team was still going on with the game and there weren't any signs of slowing down. After a few minutes I hear her breathing even out and much slower.

"Baby... baby?" I checked that she wasn't conscious before leaving to tuck her in bed. Not before changing her into more comfortable clothes. I cupped her cheeks as her face was flushed. Not surprising considering she would turn pink after a can of beer.

"I love you baby. I'm surprised you kept your poker face for so long." I kissed her cheeks before pulling her to me.

Written on 28 Dec 2021
Posted on 5 Jul 2022

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