You cannot leave N.R

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The Avengers entered the living room on their own time, but their eyes always drifted to you, who was clinging onto Natasha's arm as you were sleeping. It was a Friday movie night and you were always seen sleeping next to Nat rather than watching. Tony being Tony was analysing you as you were peacefully unaware.

Nat threw a pillow accurately at his face. "What are you doing?" She asked. She didn't have to be quiet because she knew that you were a heavy sleeper.

"What about it?" Tony caught the pillow as it fell from his face. "I'm sure everyone is curious why Y/N is always sleeping when she's with us. Does she have a condition or something?"

Nat rolled her eyes. "No, she doesn't." She looked down affectionately at you as she pushed your hair behind your ears after she shifted a little. "Like us, she's been through a lot. But it's not my place to say."

When you first moved into Natasha's room, you were sleeping as close to her as you could without touching her, but still able to feel her presence. One night, she felt your body move on top of her and froze momentarily. She waited for any response from you, but your breathing was even without any indication that you were going to wake up. This situation was unusual for her as she moved her arm out, hovering around your body before gently settling on you. She looked at you closely before relaxing herself into her new position.

As the affection continued on, she thought that this was some sort of a couple thing you like to do when you sleep. You didn't question anything when Nat was already on the bed with her arms wide open for you to enter. Ever since then, you were comfortable sleeping with Nat everywhere, even in meetings she attended that you weren't needed, or movie nights.

However, you were squirming so much in your sleep one night that woke Natasha up. You were mumbling in your sleep and breathing heavily. She knew from the signs that you were having a nightmare and tried waking you up. She flipped you on your back and shook your shoulders.

"You cannot leave... you cannot leave..."

"Y/N! Wake up! You're having a nightmare, it's not real!" She screamed right at your face and you woke up with a jolt. Natasha guided your breathing back to normal as she felt you holding onto her tightly. You sobbed as images of the nightmare flashed in front of you. "It's okay, I'm here, you're safe." She whispered over and over again until she thought you were feeling calmer.

You pulled away when you finally settled, Nat quickly gave you a cup of water and sat next to you. "Are you feeling better? Do you want to talk about it?"

Feeling too constricted by the covers of your bed, you moved to the floor which was much cooler. You rest your head on Nat's shoulder and she didn't push you to say anything until you're ready. "You know about it." You spoke so softly, and if not for how close both of you were, Nat wouldn't have heard it. She thought for a second before remembering your parents' kidnapping.

"Your parents..."

You nodded. "But this time, it was you. You were taken from right in front of me." This made Natasha sit right in front of you and made you look at her.

"I'll never leave you." She said, full of emotion. "It takes forces stronger than nuclear to separate us." You looked at her with your tear-filled eyes and nodded. "Come on, if you find the bed too suffocating, we can sleep on the floor tonight."

Nat laid the duvet on the floor and placed a pillow in the centre before inviting you to her arms. "I'll keep you warm tonight, I'll do it every night, every day, whenever you want. I'll never leave you."

Natasha focused everything on you. "As long as there's a day she needs me, I'll be here to provide her with anything she needs."

Written on 9 Aug 2023
Posted on 17 Dec 2023

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