Joint Account S.J

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You came across a problem to your surprise you were planning for Scarlett. You needed a whole lot more money than you thought. Now, by no means were you poor, it's just this expense is a lot higher than everyday expenses and you needed to tap into the joint account you had with Scarlett. Surely she would notice if you suddenly took out a huge chunk of the money without explanation.

And so, here you were pacing up and down your kitchen with your tea, thinking how you were going to break this to your wife without her knowing much and softening the blow in terms of the amount.

"What are you doing?" Her voice scared you out of your thoughts as you faced her. "You never wake up so early during the weekends." She looked at you like something was wrong as she reached behind you for her coffee.

"I had some thinking to do."

"About work?" She asked. Breakfast is her thing so you gave her some space to work as you stayed around. "No, not really." You shook your head. "It's about something I want to buy." That piqued her interest. You have never felt so anxious telling her about things you were interested in purchasing. You had always shown so much excitement in the things that caught our eyes that your hesitation made her think something was wrong.

"Well, what is it?" She asked.

"That's the thing, I can't tell you. I want it to be a surprise. I have prepared everything I need to use it, and all that's left is purchasing it. I have spent months learning how to use it but I need a bit more money to get it in my hands."

"Months learning it? A piece of machinery?" She asked. "Not really, I can't tell you much, but I am going to have to take about $50,000 from our joint account. I thought I'd tell you first before you get a shock seeing the balance decrease drastically."

She continued cooking without stopping. "If there's nothing dangerous, I'm not stopping you." She said as she placed the food on the plate. "Really?" You stood up from your seat and the excitement was back that Scarlett was so familiar with. "You're the best!" You rushed over to kiss her repeatedly before helping her take the plates to the table.

Scarlett had a smile on her face seeing you so happy as you were eating. It's definitely a nice way to start the morning.


Once you received the approval from Scarlett to get what you wanted, you transferred the money into your account before purchasing the thing you had saved in your cart for a long time. You could have bought it directly, but you were afraid that she was going to see the company you bought it from and spoil the surprise.

It was a long week of waiting until you finally received the notification that it was ready to be picked up. You had it sent to a specific location to be stored and were excited to bring Scarlett there. You packed everything you needed and told Scarlett that you were going to bring her to see the surprise.

"This is the most excited I've seen you been." Scarlett said as you were unable to contain your excitement in your seat as you drove there. "I've been thinking of owning one since I was a kid. It seems so freeing to me. We are almost reaching, can you put this on please?" You gave her a blindfold and she complied willingly.

The blindfold might have been able to take away her sight temporarily, but it was useless against her ability to hear. Scarlett could hear waves crashing softly against the rocks and guessed where you were. "Are we at a deck or shore?" She asked. "Yup."

"Are you bringing me out on the waters?" She asked as you were concentrating on making sure she didn't fall while walking. "Yup. I'm going to let my hands go now, but continue to keep your eyes closed for a while longer, I just need to prepare for it first." You said.

You constantly make sure that Scarlett has her eyes closed as you remove the tarp and reveal the shining white bow boat. You had spent a lot of time researching which was the best fit for you without having to spend a huge chunk of fortune. You know of some out there worth a year of your salary and that's not for you right now.

"Okay, ready? Open your eyes." Scarlett let her eyes adjust to sunlight again and saw the boat in front of her eyes. "This is what you used the money on?" Judging by how she's stepping onto the boat willingly, she doesn't seem to object to it.

"Yup, I got the licence and everything. The money I took from the joint account was specifically for the boat, I paid for the dock fee and everything else" You showed her your licence that you worked so hard on. "I'm so excited to take it for a ride. We won't go out to the sea, just along the river so it isn't too dangerous."

You started the engine and once you were sure Scarlett was seated, you drove out of the dock and further to the river where you could speed up a little. This river is huge and there was no one to disturb you for miles to see, it is a nice place to relax with no one looking at you.

Once you think you're at a nice place to stop, you lower the anchor and take out the picnic you prepared in advance. "How nice, we might have to come out here more often. Away from the prying eyes and do whatever we want." Scarlett looked at you and pulled you closer. "That's what I like to hear." You said as you fed her a strawberry.

"I have a break coming up soon, would you like to go on a vacation somewhere? The Maldives? Or somewhere cold like Switzerland?" Scarlett asked. "I don't mind where we go, but Maldives feel more like us."

"Alright Maldives then. I will set everything once I am sure of my break." You smiled at her and soaked in everything in this moment. "Alright, I think it's time we head back, we can ask our friends to join us next time."

As you engaged your engine and drove back to the docks, you told Scarlett to hold on as you were going to increase the speed and let the wind drag your hair. This was the whole reason you wanted a boat since young. It gives you a sense of freedom and control over your life. Feeling the boat bounce and glide through the water puts a smile on your face, how can this compare to driving on the road?

"Scarlett, do you want to give this a try?" You asked. She looked at you as if you were crazy. "I don't have a license and this is too dangerous!"

"Just for a bit! Obviously, we won't be going this fast. Just sit on the Captain's seat for a second. There isn't much to do honestly. The gear is set, all you have to do is steer the boat." You persuade her. "Come on, no one's here to see."

"You're definitely the devil in our relationship." Scarlett said as she sat where you once were. "That's why you love me." You kissed her on the cheeks before guiding her on where to steer and what to look out for. "See, you're a natural at it. Maybe your next role could have something to do with boats."

She chuckles and lets you take over the boat when it comes to docking. No one wants to damage the boat on the first outing.

"Despite the large purchase, I really love it, we have to plan more of this in the future."

"I'm glad you think so."

Written on 6 Jan 2024
Posted on 19 Jan 2024

Not sure how I felt about this but it's inspired by my trip to Langkawi in Dec when I went island hopping with my family. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19 ⏰

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