Engagement ring pt2 S.J

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Second POV
You couldn't believe you did it again.

But this time it was worse.

Because it was your wedding ring.

While Scarlett was out getting the groceries you were flipping through all the pillows to search for your ring. Scarlett had to go as you kept complaining that the pantry in the house was getting empty, she had no choice but to do it even though she was sure it would last till the weekend. You just needed an excuse to get Scarlett out of the house so you could find your ring and hopefully before she comes back.

"Why are there so many pillows on the couch?" You grumbled as you ran your hands in the covers to make sure you didn't drop it in there. Funnily enough, you were the one who insisted on having five pillows on the couch when Scarlett said three were more than enough. Majority of them end up on the floor but she knew not to mention anything to you.

You groaned and dropped them to the floor as you went to the kitchen to check. Around the sink, in the cabinet and even the dishwasher but there was still no signs of the sparkling jewelry.

It was eating up your consciences for losing something of that significance, twice. If you were Scarlett, you would have argued. You don't even know how you landed on a gem like her.

You placed your head in the palms of your hands and groaned, as you ran out of ideas where you lost your ring. After searching the entire house, you came to terms that the ring has been swallowed by the house never to be seen again.

"What's gotten my baby thinking so hard?" You didn't even hear Scarlett enter the house and called for you until her chin rested on your shoulder. You jumped at her voice and turned around to face her.

"N-nothing." You stuttered.

"Are you sure? It seems like you're looking for something."

"W-what makes you say that?"

"The house speaks for itself. You never let the house get so messy. The pillows are on the floor. The rug is out of place, the cabinets are open. It's as if a tornado passed by. Also, you looked stressed when I came back. So, tell me if I'm right."

You didn't expect her to find out so quickly so you panicked and hid your hands behind your pocket.

"Y-yeah, I was looking for my phone." You came out with an excuse that seems reasonable enough.

"Give me your hand."

"Why?" You asked, heart thumping so fast that it was about to pop out of your body.

"I want to give you something." Shakily, you held out your right hand for her. "It's pretty big so I need both your hands."

"Maybe later? I have something I need to do." You tried to delay it until you were able to find your ring.

"It's not going to work later."

"I don't see you carrying it now, if it's that big." You defended.

"Why can't I see your hand? Are you hiding something?"

"No." You said as you looked down.

"Y/N, what's wrong?" You couldn't hide it from your wife any further as she placed her hands on your arms. You sighed as you gave both hands to her. It only took her less than two seconds to see what was missing.

"Where's your ring?" Scarlett asked immediately when she noticed.

"I don't know." You confessed.

"Seriously? This is the second time you've done this. I expect you to take more care of it." She angrily dropped your hand and you started tearing up. You don't blame her for getting mad at you because it was your fault.

"I'm sorry." You turned away to go to the bedroom but Scarlett pulled you back. You were prepared for another round of scolding until she reached out and wiped your tears away.

"I said I have something to give you, didn't I?" She said in a soft tone and it honestly scared you how quickly her mood changed.

"I thought you wouldn't want to give it to me anymore."

"It belongs to you." She held your hand and reached into her pocket showing you the ring that you have been looking for.

"How...?" You sucked in a deep breath and looked at her.

"I found it on your vanity table behind some of your products."

You gasped and placed a hand over your mouth. "I took it out because it felt weird when I applied products on my skin. I must have forgotten about it when it got covered behind the bottle."

"Yeah? You think so baby?" She chuckled, putting your ring back on your finger, just as softly and romantically as she had done when you vowed to spend the rest of your lives together.

"So you don't actually have anything to give me."

She leaned in and gently placed a kiss on your lips. "A kiss, how about that?"

"I'll take it." You smiled lovingly at her. "I'm really sorry for losing the ring again. I really have no idea why I keep losing them." You twist the ring around your finger.

"The ring doesn't matter. Okay, maybe it does. But I know your heart is with me and you're not doing it on purpose." Scarlett stopped your fidgeting and held your hand.

"I just want to stop losing things."

"You will. If you lose it again, I'll find it with you. You don't have to be worried that I'll be angry."

"What did I do to deserve you?" You wrapped your arms around her and pulled her into you.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Written on 6 Aug 2022
Posted on 22 Oct 2022

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