You're different S.J

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"Y/N! You're the last one remaining!" Your friend, Michelle, shouted even though you could hear just fine. Your team was heading out to a bar to have some fun before the busy season started, but you were still sitting at the table finishing up the last bits. "Come on... I'm not driving back to pick you up again." She grumbled when she didn't see you move.

"Alright, I'm coming. Geez, is this how you speak to your team leader?" You closed your laptop and packed your bag before turning off the lights.

They had ordered shots to start the night off and had already started before you arrived. They were all very excited to finally see the arrival of you and Michelle and shoved the shot glasses into your hands. "Hey hey hey." You stop them for a moment. "I get you guys are excited. But have you guys decided who is driving and how's everyone getting back?"

"Come on... Y/n... don't be such a drag... that's why you're a team leader." James rolled his eyes as he took his shot.

"Well, don't say I never try." You raised your arms in surrender, you weren't going to fail for the lack of trying.

You guys talked about everything under the sun, about relationships, or the failure of getting one, some talked about changing jobs for better opportunities and while you supported them, you didn't want to let them go. All of you have formed some sort of a sister and brotherhood overtime, after all the projects you have completed together, rushing for deadlines, overcoming obstacles.

You slowed down after the third shot and changed to drink some cocktail instead. The group disbanded and some went to dance while some went to shoot their shots at some ladies or guys. You stayed at the bar nursing your drink as you looked at your friends doing some ridiculous dance on the floor.

"Can I buy you a drink?" You heard someone sit next to you and initially you thought she was talking to someone until you turned to face her. Her green eyes were looking at you and her smile was so enchanting that you can't think there would be a single flaw from her. The curious thing was why would an actress like her be at a bar like this and offering you a drink no less?

"Depends on the reason." As much as you would like to fulfil the fantasy of fucking some famous celebrity, you weren't going to risk yourself without checking first.

She chuckled before pointing towards her groups of friends sitting around a table. "They gave me a dare and I have been observing you for a while. You didn't seem like a jerk so I accepted it." She declared.

"The question is, have you been observing me before or after your friends dared you." You placed your chin on your palm as you asked her.

"Okay... you got me. I have been observing you for a while and my friends noticed. So, can I buy you a drink?"

You nodded before passing her your order. You weren't passing up a free drink any day if she's not going to harm you. "Can I get your name?"

You were planning to make her chase you for it but Michelle betrayed you and came at the wrong moment announcing that they were going to leave soon. "Y/N!! Mark and I are going to leave now. James is still staying for a bit. I see you have this beautiful lady accompanying you so I'm just going to leave you alone." She winked not so subtly in her drunken state. You nodded your head before making sure they had a safe passage back home.

"You take great care of your friends."

"Well, they're great workers." You joked. "But yeah, they are all I have."

"Thanks for the drink. I should also be getting home too." You stood up from your stool and gathered your things

"Can I drive you back?" You looked up at her in shock. "It's okay if you're uncomfortable. I won't take offense."

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