Problems pt2 S.J

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Your POV
Ever since mum and dad learned about my heart condition they became a lot more protective, having to know wherever I go and restricting more activities.

The only good thing I got out of this is an Apple Watch I guess? Mum said it was to track my heartbeat and she gets notification on her phone when it gets too high etc. Not exactly the best in accuracy but definitely wins in portability.

I was watching a movie with Rose when my phone buzzed.

Edwin is having a party in his house tmr
You coming?

I want to, but you know my mum.

Then ask her!

Knowing her and in my current state, I really doubt she would allow me to go. None of my friends know about my condition because I didn't tell them. Well, I couldn't find a right opportunity, it's not like I can go up to them and say 'Hey, I kinda have heart issues'.

"Who are you texting?" Rose came up to me and asked.

"Just my friend." I put down my phone and allowed her access to sit on my lap.


"Kate invited me to Edwin's party tomorrow." I said while having dinner at the table.

"You're not going." Scarlett replied immediately.

I snapped my head to hers. "What?!"

"I'm not allowing you to go, end of story."

I looked over to dad for some help but he only raised his eyebrow and tilted his head. So much, for relying on him.

"I don't understand why I can't go." Honestly, the pent up feeling of being watched is getting to me and it's tiring. It's not like I would be doing anything illegal, I am at the legal age where I can drink or smoke. Not that I smoke though.

"You're just not going and that's final!" Mum glared at me and I couldn't bear to be in the same room any longer so I stuffed the food down and walked out.

I slumped on my beanbag and told the devastating news to Kate.

She's not allowing me to go.

Aww shucks.
Next time then.
You want to sneak out?

I didn't even bother replying to her. Come on... I'm not that bad, but I am angry and frustrated that I can't go. My heart aches when my heartbeat is too fast but never when I exercise which is weird.

I sat there and calmed down, taking a few deep breaths before the sensation slipped away.

Scarlett POV
"Do you have to shut her down so quickly?" Colin said after Y/N walked away. "I'm pretty sure she knows her limit." He continues.

I shook my head and let out a sigh while taking out my phone to check on her heart rate. Higher than 90 and close to 100bpm, but she should be fine.

"Put your plate in the sink, missy." I saw Rose trying to sneak away from the corner of my eyes.



The next day I went to Y/N's room and caught her lying on her beanbag asleep. "Hey, you can't be sleeping here." I tapped her lightly. She just groaned and shifted to her bed without opening her eyes. How she did it I have no idea.

I looked at my phone and checked that there was no spike in her heart rate before heading to Rose's room.

It was midday when she finally came out of her room. Rose and I tried asking her to come down for breakfast but she didn't budge.

I saw her with a different set of clothes and headed towards the exit.

"Where do you think you're going, young lady?"

"Out." She gave me a blunt reply. Before I could reprimand her on her attitude I was met with the sound of the door closing.

Your POV
I really wanted to go to the party because it's been a while since I saw my friends and I really wanted to get away from home. I walked to a nearby park to rest my mind while playing Spotify, trying to come up with 101 reasons to convince myself that I don't need to go.

I wanted to scream my lungs out and vent my frustration to the world, but of course not at the expense of their inconvenience right?

Resorting to screaming internally, kicking and punching the air to express my feelings, one of my feet hit the leg of the bench I was sitting on and I almost let out a cry while holding my feet. "Son of the gun. I hate today." I said while hopping around.

After seeing my toes turn red, I walked back feeling even worse than before. And the cherry on the top was seeing my mother's angry face the moment I stepped into the house.

"You better not tell me you went to the party."



"BECAUSE YOU ARE ACCUSING ME OF THINGS I DIDN'T DO! And to think I just want a peaceful day and do the right things, shame on me."


I ignored her and walked past her to my room, but she caught a firm grip on my arm. "I'm sorry..."

"Save it." I shook her arm off and went up the stairs before crumbling like a crushed piece of paper. The pain persisted longer than usual and went away as I took a shuddering breath.

"Are you okay?" Mum came to check on me and I could only nod. "Sit down." She carefully set us on the steps as I leaned on the wall. My face scrunched up when the next wave came but it wasn't that bad, just a little electricity running through me.

"Since when has it gotten this bad?" Mum said while running her hand along my back.

"This is the first."

I sat there in silence not knowing if I should get up and leave or say something about this situation. "I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry for raising my voice at you, I'm just... so tired about my condition."

"I shouldn't have accused you. I should have been like Colin and trusted you instead. If you really want to go tonight, I won't stop you." Mum cupped my face and looked at me dearly.

"No it's okay. I already told them I'm not going. Cuddles?"

"Cuddles." Mum lifted me effortlessly and carried me to bed. The night in Italy flooded my head again as I snuggled closer to her.

"I love you mum."

"I love you too. More than you can ever imagine."

Written on 10 Dec 2021
Posted on 14 Jun 2022

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