Scared N.R

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Third POV
There is one person in SHIELD that everyone is jealous of. She didn't need to write reports or even review other agents' reports. Her main job is to create weapons and making sure they are safe for use so she's often seen working with Tony Stark.

Everyone is envious of her because she was able to do what she liked without having to participate in the mundane process. No one has ever seen her lifting a piece of paper to read.

"Hey! Y/N! Come check this out!" Tony called out to her when he saw her swiping her card to enter the compound.

"Hi Tony." She replied with a straight face, not expressing an outwardly interest in the guy's excitement.

"Come on... it'll only take a few minutes." Regardless of the girl's protest, he dragged her to the lab where he was able to show his creation.

"Look." He showed her a bunch of sequences on the hologram and Y/N scanned through nodding her head.

"Nice Tony, but I'm here to collect the weapon Fury asked for."

"It's just over there, I'll have Happy deliver it later. Come watch this." He insisted.

"Please Tony." Y/N didn't let down.


That's the thing about this Y/N, she refused to be dictated by others and to others she may seem cold.

"Thanks." Once she acquired the weapon that was the purpose of the trip, she left the lab and saw Natasha standing at the door. She greeted the higher ranking redhead before heading out.

When Y/N entered her car, she received a text message but she didn't reply and carried on her journey back to SHIELD.

"Thank you Agent Y/L/N. Hill will send over a document that requires your attention. We seem to have found a new element." Fury said after inspecting the weapon Y/N have brought over. "I expect things will start to get busy from now."

Y/N nodded and proceeded to her office where there was a thumbdrive on her table containing the document Fury was talking about. She plugged in the thumbdrive and took her earpiece and started listening to it.

As Y/N was listening to the document with her eyes closed, Natasha walked into her office after knocking. She knew Y/N was inside as she was talking to Maria earlier.

In a way, Y/N is similar to Tony. Her lab was filled with screwdrivers, holograms displaying 24/7, there's always an ongoing project somewhere. The difference is that her workspace is a lot neater compared to Tony's. There's almost nothing on her desk other than her computer and tablet. No files to be seen, only a single pen used for signing.

Some childish agent would think she used her connection to enter SHIELD and doesn't have to do anything useful.

Natasha saw Y/N with her eyes closed thinking she was having a relaxing time listening to music as nothing was showing on her screen. Quietly, she walked closer to Y/N and took one side of her earpiece trying to figure out what she was listening to.

However, before she was able to place the earpiece close to her ear, Y/N shot open her eyes, shocked at the new activity and person intruding her personal space. "Agent Romanoff." She sighed in relief. "How may I be of assistance to you?"

"Oh nothing. I was just popping by to see you."

"I'm kinda busy, if you could come back later, I may be free then." Y/N replied. Natasha respected her space and slowly stepped back exiting her office. When she left, Y/N continued with her listening until she got enough information to start working.

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