After a night sleep pt2 N.R (Req)

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I just wrote and wrote and suddenly it became this long.

Wanda POV
I could tell something was in Natasha's mind and it's related to Y/N. Ever since she told me to switch with her and be Y/N's partner for missions, she has been cooped up in her office and we hardly ever saw her.

We all had no idea what she was doing in her office, Fury wasn't giving her a lot of things to do as I've heard. I trust that Nat knows what she's doing so I'm just going to keep doing what she told me.

"Y/N, have you seen Nat?" I asked her as she was reading her book in the kitchen.

"No, I haven't seen her today." She shook her head. Why did it not bother Y/N at all that she hasn't seen Nat? I thought they were best friends.

"Do you know what's going on with Nat? I haven't seen her lately."

"I... have no idea. I really don't know." While it felt like she was telling the truth, why do I feel like she's hiding something from me? I promised to the team I wouldn't look in their heads so I walked away before I did something wrong.

Natasha POV
I found it! At least I think I found it. This was the only time I appreciated the mission reports as it was something I finally relied on. As far as I know, this has continued on for years so I looked through all the mission reports done by Y/N to see when this started.

Y/N has been with us for 5 years. So I went back to the beginning to analyse her mission reports along with the ones we wrote.

Each mission report, we are supposed to write what based on what we encounter and what could be done better in the future. I noticed on one of her mission reports, the things she wrote were very similar to us. She took bits and pieces of the other team members' mission reports and put it as her own. This is unlike her as she is usually assigned to a different role from us. She wouldn't be seeing what Steve or even Clint would see.

Getting the date and report number, I went to the database to search for the mission we went on and found the base we raided. It was in Germany and it was a team mission since it was a large base to clear. By the time we raided this base, she wasn't a rookie anymore. And I didn't remember her getting hurt.

I think I can find more answers in the base. We must have missed something that Y/N found and was unable to tell us since she lost her memories of that day.

"Clint, I need your help." I found him hiding in his vent as usual. He jumped down after I repeatedly knocked on the walls of the vent. "I need to go to Germany."

"What for? To see your girlfriend?" The team knew I was lesbian but I rolled eyes when I was serious about needing help.

"I need to see the base we cleared before."


"Are you going to help me or what? If not, I'm going alone." I said.

"Okay, I'm going. But how are we going to get there?" I smirked at him as we walked towards the landing field. "We are going to hijack one." As soon as I was done speaking, a jet landed. Not the normal quinjet we would use but it gets things done.

We went from cover to cover and hopped in the jet before anyone noticed. Once we started the engine it was a race against time to get out of here and they would have noticed that someone was in it.

"Why did I even agree to this?" He muttered under his breath as I flew the jet out of the compound.

"Nat, I know you're in there. I need you to turn back." Steve said through the system in the jet.

"No can do."

"You can't just steal the jet-" I switched off the communication device and cut him off.

Natasha/Scarlett one shot 2حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن