Possessive pt2 N.R

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It was going to be Christmas soon and Steve wanted us to do something special this year. He was planning that we should visit those children in the hospital and cheer them up so they could recover faster and lift their spirits. He had already given out tasks to each of us. Some of us were in charge of gifts, costumes and event planning.

And sadly, I was in charge of decorating and was painting in the compound until I got chased out because they couldn't stand the fumes. So I gathered all the supplies and moved them outside. It was much colder outside and I didn't bring my jacket as I was in the warmth in the compound earlier and I was too lazy to go back to take it.

I just braved the cold and continued painting since I was nearly done with it, just halfway more to go.

"How is it going so far?" Steve came to check on the progress since it was going to be needed tomorrow. I probably shouldn't have waited until the last minute to do this.

"I'm almost done with it." I left the paintbrush on the lid and I let him have a look.

"Looking good." He nodded. "Here, I wouldn't want you to catch a cold." He passed me his jacket and I just placed it on my lap smiling. I wouldn't want Nat to get mad at me but I just couldn't reject the offer when I was shivering.

"Keep up the good work." He said before leaving. At least my leg wasn't that cold now.

Shortly after Steve left, I noticed that there was a section that I painted out of line and I sighed having to paint over it again.

All of a sudden, Steve's jacket got pulled away from me and I almost fell over the stool I was sitting on as I was resting my elbow on my knees. I turned around and looked at the person in shock. "Nat!"

"Why were you wearing Steve's jacket? First it was Bucky, now it's Steve?"

"Nat... I was cold... And I wasn't wearing it, I was just using it to cover my legs." I defended myself. If she was really worried and possessive, maybe she should have some super girlfriend sense or something so she would come down and give me her jacket before Steve did.

"Wear mine instead." She passed me her hoodie and I slipped it on instantly feeling a lot warmer. I rubbed my hands on her hoodie as they have been exposed to the cold for a long time since I was painting. Nat wore Steve's instead and picked me up to place me on her lap.

She must have noticed that I was cold as she dragged her hand up and down my arm. "Are you going to be done soon? I miss you." She whined.

"Soon." I turned around and gave her a peck on the lips before continuing.

Suddenly she placed me down on the floor and lifted my arms to pull her hoodie away from me and returned Steve's jacket to me. I was still processing what happened as she ran away from me when I heard Steve's voice. "How is it going?"

"I'm almost done. You can have this back." I passed the jacket back to him before Natasha got even madder.

"You sure?" I nodded and he took it back reluctantly.

As Steve was walking back, he was wondering why was his sleeve warm when you were only using it to cover your legs, nevertheless, he shrugged it off and went to find his boyfriend.

After a few minutes, I was finally done with the painting and I left it in the open to dry. In this weather, it shouldn't take longer than an hour to dry. When I returned to the compound, everyone was in the living room as they were done with their preparation for tomorrow. Natasha beckoned for me to go over and before I could even sit next to her, she pulled me into her lap. "Finally I have you." She whispered in my ears.

"You always have me."


The next day, everyone got ready for the event that was going to take place in the hospital. We drove there and there were a lot of people standing and waiting outside as there was news that the Avengers were coming to visit.

I don't do too well with crowds so I quietly told Nat that I was heading in first and she nodded. I turned invisible and ran in first, passing all the media and paparazzi. Not a lot of civilians knew about me as I hid away from the flashes. I went to find the children ward and lingered around until they made their way here. Thankfully no one other than the nurses and doctors were following them.

They guided the Avengers in where they had already gathered the children into a playroom and all of them cheered when they saw their idol entering. Tony, of course, was the first to step into the room and he made sure we all knew that. He threw all the soft toys he brought along in the air and they all scurried to catch at least one of them.

I stood by Nat as the event went along. Mostly thanks to Wanda and Steve, as they entertained the kids while I just assisted them. Passing them the tools they needed, magic, as they call it since they couldn't see me when I'm invisible. I would be holding the object, making them 'float' while Steve acted.

As it came to the closing act, I sat by the side while they did the final play. They were so engrossed that they didn't notice that their gifts were being brought in from the back.

Tony wanting to be the one again to announce that gifts were being distributed, jumped in the middle and announced loudly causing them to cheer loudly. We passed their gifts to them one by one and one of them said. "You are very pretty. Very beautiful indeed."

I was taken aback by the compliment as it wasn't very often that I get such praise from a child. "Thank you. You're very handsome too, young lad." I ruffled his hair as I passed him his gift. All of a sudden a strong arm lifted me up and I squealed slightly. "Nat! What are you doing?"

"You're mine."

"Oh come on, they're just kids."

"Nope." I sighed when there was nothing that could change her mind.

"Both of you look very good together." The same boy said.

"Thank you, but I am still going to keep my eyes on you." Nat said sternly.

"Bye bye beautiful ladies!" He waved at us before finding the nurse that was in charge of him. He was sure to attract a lot of ladies when he grows up in the future, but I dare not tell Nat that. I hope he grows up to be a true gentleman and not break anyone's heart, male or female.

"I can't let you out of my side. Everyone is trying to steal me from you." She pouted and whined.

"They are not Nat. And even they are, which they are not." I reiterated. "I will never leave you. You're the only one for me." I cupped her cheeks and kissed her, even though it was in front of the kids, in full display.

Cheers can be heard behind us as I hid my face in the crook of Nat's neck.

"Alright alright, let's leave these two lovebirds alone and finish giving the presents. I'm sure all of you want your presents." Steve brought their attention back and the rest of the day, I continued hugging behind Nat, too tired to do anything after spending my social battery.

I didn't even realised I fell asleep until I felt movement up and down. I opened my eyes slightly and registered that we just entered the compound and I was on Nat's back. I smiled slightly when she quietly told the team she was bringing me up in order to not disturb me.

"I love you." I said quietly as I still had my face at the back of her neck.

"I love you too."

Written on 9 May 2022
Posted on 13 Sept 2022

Inspired by Horimiya anime/manga

My Business Law professor use Marvel character as the practice that each group has to submit. Steve, Maria and Carol has appeared. I'm just waiting for Natasha. I hope it comes to my group. 

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