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I was currently in the library as I tried to find anything on capturing a soul. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, I've found nothing. I left Zena late last night even though she wanted me to stay. She even suggested missing a day of school, but I couldn't allow that. Zena then said that next week there would be a house competition or something (similar to field day in America I guess) and parents would come to watch and maybe participate. Anyways, she wanted to know if we could attend as well. I told her that Lara is a little busy, but saw her cute face fall, so I told her that I'd see what I could do. And that brightened her face. So now I have to see how the hell I'm gonna get my busy wife, who loves fashion and anything glamorous, to attend an outdoor exercise competition. Easy, right?

I closed the book and stretched. A butler saw and smiled at me before pouring tea. I gave him a grateful smile before staring at my files on Geneve. I've been at that for 2hrs before taking a break to look into Kiki, which was an additional hour. Maybe I'll take a light break before diving back into the Geneve case. I also really miss my wife, so I'll head up there.

The guards smiled and opened her door. Lara's head was on the table as she attempted to ignore what the person on the phone was saying. She glanced up when I entered, which seemed to invigorate her. But I guess she heard what the other person was saying since she groaned and began to speak back, but in an annoyed tone.

Lara rolled her eyes as she tried to make rebuttals. I know I should leave her be, but I really miss her. And just being in her presence makes me feel content. I was glancing around the room and noticed, under a pile of papers, the familiar document. My eyes flitted to Lara who was, at this point, shouting at the person. I really wanted to look at the document, but knew I wouldn't be able to with her in the room.

"Larz?" She looked at me. "Walk and talk. It'll help to calm you down."

Lara debated for a moment before standing up. She gave me a kiss and a grateful smile before leaving the room. I could hear her voice as her steps retreated. I wasted no time in moving to her neat desk. I removed the file and began to flip through it.

My eyes furrowed the more I read. The document was in French, but that wasn't surprising since we lived in France. Plus, I was fluent in the language so I had no qualms. What confused me was the style of writing. It was very old French and almost ancient like. I flipped through some pages and saw the familiar word: sang familial. I then saw the sealing wax on the document and realized it was from a council. There's a vampire council? Since when?

I flipped through more pages and tried to make understanding of sang familial but I couldn't. I barely even got to read since-

"What are you doing?" I turned to see Lara with a confused look.

"Was bored and going through your files." I forced myself to appear casual since I didn't want my heartbeat to give away anything. "What's this?" I pointed at the symbol, but her expression was stern.

"The vampire council." She said after a moment. Lara approached me and gently took the file. She forced a smile at me and gave me a teasing look. "Very boring stuff that's making my head explode." She chuckled.

"What's sang familial?" I saw her flinch so subtly that someone who's not well trained would miss it.

"Family blood." Lara stated the obvious translation. "I barely pay attention as is. You don't need to bore yourself with this stuff." She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my neck.

I noticed her subtly place the file in her desk drawer since she thought my eyes were closed as she sucked on my neck. What is she hiding? I decided to play her game and act like I didn't see. I grabbed her face and deepened the kiss.

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