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The pizza box was on my lap as I lounged on the bed. I brought a delicious slice of New York pizza to my lips. Super yum! Lara walked through the door with a few computers. I gave her a grateful kiss and had her place the items on the bed. I grabbed a napkin to wipe my oily fingers before typing away.

"What do we know about this guy?" Lara sat next to me.

"Wanted by many countries for hacking into government databases and stealing money and very proficient on the dark web." I chuckled. "A lot of illegal shit and selling information to the highest bidder."

"So he's wanted?"

"The hacker is wanted by many organizations."

"How come no one can find him?" Lara flopped onto her back.

"Because everyone is going at it wrong... like you." Lara arched a brow at my comment. "Everyone is looking for a guy when they should be looking for a girl."

"How do you know that?" Lara arched a brow.

"HowlLPremonition27." I paused. "That's the username, correct?" She nodded at me. "I wanted to see any connections with the names and I found one... they're all anime." I turned my screen for her to see the different tabs. "Howl as in Howl's Moving Castle, L as in L from DeathNote, Premonition 27 is the first appearance of Sailor Neptune. Sailor Neptune is in a relationship with Sailor Uranus, L is sought out as a character that lots of girls are attracted to. They like the whole emo shtick. Lesbian relationship and into a bad boy/ psychopath... the girl is a bisexual." I concluded.

"Could be a gay guy." Lara smirked.

"Mmm... maybe." I hacked into Cafe Grumpy's camera system. "And if she's an anime lover based on her preferences, I highly doubt she looks like the quintessential hacker. Something tells me she's going to look cutesy and very approachable and harmless." I then did some more research. "Someone like her." I zoomed in the camera on a girl looking at her computer.

"What am I supposed to do with that?" Lara asked.

"Look in the reflection." I directed. "She's watching Princess Mononoke. That's a Studio Ghibli movie. And that company made Howl's Moving Castle. That's her."

"That didn't take long." Lara was impressed.

"I've had a lot of practice and..." I paused as I used facial recognition software to get her name. "She's bi." I proudly smiled as I showed Lara her Instagram that I hacked into. Private means nothing to a hacker.

"Maria Cortez." Lara spoke. "So Maria is also known as Lara Sangpure since she's the one who forged my signature. And the one who makes it seem that I love volunteer work and helping people. Yuck! She's killing my playgirl reputation and making it seem that I volunteer at homeless shelters every Wednesday."

"Why Wednesday?" I asked.

"I don't know! She's just pissing me off! She's making a mockery of me!" Lara threw her hands around.

"Like that you help at food banks?" Lara groaned while I rolled my eyes. "And that you're at animal shelters." I chuckled as I looked at some bios on Lara. "She hacked into these websites and changed the descriptions on you." I chuckled.

"She's ruining me." Lara whined into the pillow.

"Yep, ready to meet her?" Lara nodded at my question. "Okay, but with one exception." Lara eyed me skeptically. "I get to have some fun." I evilly smirked while Lara gulped.


I walked into the cafe and walked straight to the cashier. I smiled and ordered a latte. As I was paying for my drink, I glanced at a metal cup and saw a reflection of Maria in the back. She looked to be typing, which was a shock since she like permanently watches movies. I waited on my drink and thanked the barista. I moved to where Maria was and turned my back as a guy stood up.

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