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I spun around in my chair as I thought about the missing girls. I've found out that they were being taken because they were all French or had some French ancestry. Basically, they all understood the language. Matt said that I accomplished everything that he wanted, so my job was done. However, my job wouldn't be done until those girls were safely returned and we stopped more girls from being taken. We need to end the operation before dubbing a mission a success or not.

I decided to go over Matt and contact Zayn and Jade. Ya, they worked for Matt, but they were also my friends. I still found it odd that Matt didn't want the others to know about my assistance on the case. I get keeping stuff confidential in that line of work, but they're my friends and I've worked with them countless times before. You would think that he'd want to keep that relationship going.

Zayn said that he was in Germany, so I told him I'd meet him in Belgium. I began to pack my stuff when Jade responded as well. She was currently in Switzerland and curious why I had to meet in person and not over the phone. I lied and said that I really missed my friends. Jade commented that she had some work to do, but I told her it was fine and I'll meet her another time. I then told Zayn that I'd see him in Belgium. Jade was quiet for a while before typing that she could spare a day in Belgium. I found her phrasing odd, but decided to ignore it for now.

I had my stuff packed and ready to go. Hugo came and carried my bags to the car. I planned on stopping by Lara's office, but she must've gotten word that I was leaving. I smiled at her, but it dropped upon seeing her grief stricken face. I opened my mouth to ask her something, but she cut me off by draping her arms around me. She then squeezed me tight and gripped my arms.

"Lara, what wro-"

"I know I haven't been fully present, but please don't go. I'm sorry. I know the job can be demanding. And I hate that you feel neglected. I'll do better. I promise. Just don't go." She began to hyperventilate.

"Larz, I'm not going anywhere." I smiled and then scrunched my brows. "Well, that's kind of a lie since I'm going somewhere, but I'm not leaving you like that. I'm just meeting up with my friends... in a different country. And that really doesn't make you feel more secure when I say it like that." I awkwardly laughed while she was still sad. "It's literally a friend day trip thingy."

"Oh." She cleared her throat. "Sorry for being dramatic." She tried to chuckle, but her emotions were still raw.

"I'm sorry for scaring you like that. I was honestly heading to your office to tell you that I'll be gone for like 2 days."

"It's completely fine. I just panicked after... last time." Lara trailed off. "Who are you seeing?"

"Just Jade and Zayn. Catch up and stuff." I shrugged. "How's stuff been going on your end?"

"Very overwhelming." She sighed and leaned her back against the wall. "And demanding." She crossed her arms and stared out the window.

"This is the first time you've admitted to be struggling." I stepped closer to her. "Is something wrong?"

"Not necessarily wrong. Just a lot of stuff demanding my attention. And me struggling with how to prioritize stuff and make sure you and my girls are number 1. And I feel like I'm failing and have no idea how to balance anything since I didn't grow up seeing my father care about his family that way. He wasn't concerned with being an involved father or lovey dovey in any way. I have no guidance." Lara sadly looked down.

"Lara, you're doing an amazing job. I've spoken to a few vampires and they love you as they're Queen. They support and respect you. Don't feel like you're not doing a great job because you're doing an exceptional job. I'm really, really proud of you."

Pummeling My HeartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora