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"Can you please tell her that her idea is insane?!" Zayn turned to Lara.

"Hey. Happy wife, happy life." She shrugged and drank the rest of the wine. "You need more wine." Lara waved the empty bottle at him.

Zayn walked up to her and snatched the empty bottle as he glared. Lara merely smirked and brushed past him to flop onto the couch.

"This is by far the stupidest idea you've ever had." Jade deadpanned.

"So will you help me?" I gave them a teasing smile.

"Can you look us in the eye and tell us you believe she's innocent?" Jade asked.

I ignored her question and walked up to her. We stayed silent as we intently stared at the other.

"She's innocent." I spoke. "And I need your help to prove she's innocent."

"I don't like you." Jade turned to my wife.

"Feeling's mutual, love." Lara taunted.

"Okay, how can we help?" Zayn inquired.

"I need access to the record room at Interpol. They like to keep physical documents to avoid people hacking into their database." I approached Zayn and his computer. "I need the layout of the building to know where to target."

"Someone's done their research." Lara teased, making me smirk.

"Zayn, can you pull up the blueprints?" Zayn nodded and typed away on his computer.

Jade and I crowded Zayn as he hacked into the public records to find the building's design. I peered at the design as Jade pointed out where cameras would traditionally be placed. Zayn then hacked into a person's phone to route them into the system. We were then able to get an idea of the security's schedule and when they go on shifts.

"Memorized it?" Jade turned to me.

"Yes, I've memorized half." They both sighed at me. "That's because this isn't the full map." I rolled my eyes while they were confused. "Look at where that door is connected to... it cuts off. There's more that's not in the public records."

"Shit! You're right." Zayn leaned closer to his computer. "What are you going to do?"

"Go in there half blind." I smirked while my friends facepalmed. "I'll be fine. I always am. Thanks." I gave them hugs and motioned for Lara to come.

"Be careful." Jade spoke. "And protect her." She glared at Lara.

"I wouldn't hesitate." Lara seriously spoke before exiting the house.

"Mia, please be careful. They've updated your capture." Zayn sighed and turned his screen for me to see. "It's now either alive or dead."

"All the more fun." I chuckled and gave them mock salutes while they groaned. "See you guys soon."

"It won't be soon enough." Jade smirked and hugged me once more. "Prove her innocence." She whispered.

I smiled and bid them goodbye once more. I jogged outside to see Lara leaning against a parked car. I bit the inside of my cheek before shaking my head. Lara was confused why I wasn't breaking into a car. I told her that we couldn't do that near Zayn's apartment since the agents would then realize that he was helping us. I couldn't get my friends in trouble and have their blood on my hands. Lara commented that Jade's blood would be rather decorative. I shoved her and had her follow me.

We avoided the cameras and hopped on a train to Poland. Lara gave me a soft smile, resulting in me squeezing her hand. I then rested my head on her shoulder and closed my eyes to sleep.

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