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I took a hot minute... well, more like an hour to respond to Matt. He had contacted the security detail and told them to bring me to the prison housing Lara. It's been a few days since he left and he had the nerve to NOW decide I should see my wife. I can't believe his audacity. But then again, he's a man and thinks he can make decisions for women. The personnel have been awaiting an answer from me, but have been met with silence for the past hour.

"Fine." I spoke, making them cheer that I finally responded.

I rolled my eyes and followed them to a vehicle. I was surprised they took me to an airstrip, but composed myself. We boarded the government jet and flew to the location. I stared out the window to try and guess where we were heading. When we descended, I got an idea that we were in Germany.

We then drove into the mountains, where I saw a prison isolated on the top. I furrowed my brows since I didn't think it was just vampires inside. I'm curious about the temperature they keep inside since the outside is freezing. I pulled the coat tighter around myself as we ventured higher. We drove for a few more minutes before pulling to a stop.

The door was opened and I stepped out to see a heavy security detail waiting for me. I walked forward, resulting in them turning and guiding me inside. We walked down the bare halls and I could hear prisoners shouting in the distance. I ignored the sound and tried to remain calm. I kept reiterating that Lara was fine and was probably being a bigger headache to the guards.

I was surprised when they took me to a conference room. My eyes narrowed at Matt, Kate, and another man. The man's posture was relaxed, but radiated authority. I subtly sniffed the air and determined him to be human. He appeared to be in charge, but made no effort to speak first. Based on his energy, I'm assuming he doesn't really want me here, but has some ulterior motive. Like he's hoping to get something from me. I knew Matt wasn't just inviting me here out of the goodness of his heart.

I sat down in the spare seat and stared at them. There was no way that I was breaking the ice.

"Mia. Glad you could make it." Matt offered a smile, but I simply glared. "How are you? I know the living situation isn't ideal, but-"

"Why am I here?" I cut him off.

"Told you she's not an idiot." Kate quipped to the man, who was intently studying me.

"I suppose not." The man muttered. "My name is Julian and-"

"I don't care... and you have a stupid name." I rolled my eyes.

"Now, I know why they're mated." Julian grumbled. "Look. You know what your wife has done and-"

"I'm not helping you, Jill." I mocked.

"Julian." He corrected with a scowl. "And she's responsible for the abduction of women into the vampire realm to be used as blood bags and to have forced pregnancies. Are you really still defending her? After the mountain of evidence?"

"Listen here, Jill-"

"Julian and you can't deny this." He slapped a file on the table. "Read it." He demanded and shoved it towards me. "She's done this before and has a pattern for this type of behavior. We're putting an end to it."

"If you're putting an end to it, why do you still need her?" I faked like I read the file and was affected by the words. "What do you need from her?"

"The location of the realm as well as for her to order the girls be released." Julian leaned forward. "And you can get that information from her."

"Why would I even-"

"You have a daughter." I remained composed as he spoke. I didn't even look at Matt, but could tell he was trying to appear not bothered. He didn't tell them. "Actually, you have two. I don't know where the other is, but one is attending a school in Croatia."

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