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Lara's POV

I was in the middle of reading Pride and Prejudice when I heard a soft groan. I smiled down to see Mila slowly waking up. She kept her eyes closed and tightened her grip around my waist. I placed a gentle kiss on her temple, resulting in her nuzzling into my chest. Guess no more reading for today. I placed the book down and tightly embraced her.

"That's more like it." Mila's sexy morning voice hummed.

"And you say I'm bratty."

"We try to outdo each other." She opened one eye to peek. "Good morning."

"Good morning, my love. Sleep well? Or slightly sore?" Mila responded by slapping my arm. "What should we do today? Walk along the beach? Stroll through the parks-"

"Or stay here all day."

Mila surprised me by straddling my waist. It was extremely difficult to maintain eye contact with her perky breast being on display. I licked my lips and gave her a look of approval. Mila smirked and placed her hand around my throat. She gave it a light squeeze before releasing her grip. I situated my hands on her hips and stroked my thumb over her exposed skin. Mila bent forward and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

"I'm enjoying you too much to leave the comfort of this room." Mila whispered.

"I'm fine with whatever, my love." I smiled. "Whatever makes you happy." I curled some of her locks around my finger.

"Lara?" I hummed a reply to her. "How come you didn't mark me? I mean...I guess you would've done that already, but why not drink from me?"

"I'd lose control because... I'm slightly starved." Mila's eyes widened at my words. "Don't worry. I can maintain my control-"

"We've got to get you fed." Mila tried to move, but I held her in place. "La-"

"It's fine... I needed to go on a diet anyways." Mila rolled her eyes at me. "My body consists off lots and lots of alcohol and little blood." I chuckled while Mila shook her head at me. "My point is that there is no reason for you to cause any alarm in your blood hunting escapades."

"How did you consume it in the other reality?"

"Bloody pigs." I scoffed. "Dante refused for me to drink human blood under his roof. After we moved to France, I've had my regularly scheduled diet of human blood... from blood bags."

"Was I ever freaked out by it?"

Instead of immediately responding, I sat up and wrapped my arms around her waist. Mila held my face as we intensely stared at each other. I nuzzled my cheek against her palm and released a sigh.

"If you were, you never made it known." I whispered.

"But my family was." Mila concluded.

"And friends, but who's keeping track." I joked.


We were interrupted by a knock on the door, causing Mila to answer it. Mila's brows furrowed as the maid reminded her of the function she had to attend over the weekend. Mila scratched her head and looked at me as if I'd know what the hell was going on. Mila shook her head and replied that she'd be down in a moment. We were then forced to get dressed. It took a while since I refused to leave in anything that wasn't up to my standards.

"We're going to Rome, not Milan." Mila entered the car.

"Why Rome?" I scooted next to her.

"That's where the Alpha lives."

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