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I rested my back against the wall as I crossed my arms. Lara casually glanced around while sipping wine. Only she would pour wine into a water bottle and act as if it were grape juice.

"Any thoughts on getting to France? If I remember correctly, we are on the no fly list as well as our every move is being watched." I arched a brow.

"My love, I know you have contacts. And the right contact can get us in touch with a plane and on the ground of France in a day." Lara challenged.

"You know me too well." I smirked and kicked myself off the wall.

I slowly approached her and lowered the bottle. Lara eyed me as I wrapped my arms around her neck. She probably wondered if I had something nefarious planned, but nope. I surprised her with a peck and smile. Lara chuckled and wrapped her arms around my waist. Lara and I stayed in that position and stared into each other's eyes. I looked down and blushed as I felt myself fall more in love with her. Lara used her fingers to tilt my chin up, so she could gently press her lips to mine.

"I really love you, Lara." I mumbled and squeezed her tighter. "And as much as I want to stay like this, we should get going."

I interlocked our fingers and led her to the subway. Lara had a grotesque look on her face when she spotted the rats. I snickered and pinched her nose. Lara immediately smiled and kissed my cheek as we were slammed into each other.

"Where are we going?" Lara whispered into my ear.



I took Lara out of Manhattan and flagged down a cab to take us into Brooklyn. Lara glared at the ripped seat and slightly funky odor. The cab driver eventually pulled up to a mechanic's garage. Before I could pay, Lara leaned forward and compelled him to give us a free ride. She then muttered that she wouldn't be caught paying for this shitty service. Lara then dragged me out the car and demanded the guy drive off.

"Feel better?" My voice held amusement.

"Yes." She shuddered. "I feel like I have bugs crawling all over me."

"Okay, big baby. That's where we are going." I walked inside and then stopped. Lara gave me a confused look, so I turned to her. "Uh, so the person we're meeting is... um... like an old... well, we... uh..."

"Umm what?" Lara's eyes narrowed.

"Sexy A." We turned to see a blond man approaching. "Long time no see." He smirked and wrapped me in a hug. I gulped and nervously turned to see Lara staring daggers at the man. "Zaro." He checked Lara out, making me glare.

"We're not staying long enough for you to know my name." Lara stared literally anywhere else.

"What's got you visiting me?" Zaro sat on one of the bikes being repaired. "Come back for another ride?" He revved the engine. "It's been too long." He bit his lips and eyed my breasts. "They've definitely gotten bigger."

"That's what happens when you have kids. Mila, get to the point." Lara rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Unfortunately for her, that made Zaro and me eye her breasts since they appeared bigger. "Mila!" She snapped in my face.

"Ya." I shook my head and focused on the guy who desperately wanted to sleep with me again. "Zaro, I need-" I stopped when he picked up my hand and placed it over his heart. He gave me a naughty smile while staring at me.

"Yes." He teased.

"This doesn't seem appropriate at a company." Lara hypocritically spoke. "That's fine. I'll just write a bad Yelp review." She rolled her eyes.

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