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Mila's POV

My head was resting on Lara's shoulder as we rode in a freight train. Our backs were resting against the wall as we stared outside the open door at the landscape. I held Lara's hand and pressed my lips to it. She cracked a smile and kissed my temple. I smiled and nuzzled myself deeper against her.

"L'amour..." Lara took a deep sigh. "There is something I wish to tell you." She solemnly spoke.

"Worse than my fake family being killed?" I joked, but she didn't laugh. "What? Please don't tell me you and Naomi-"

"No." She chuckled. "But she did help me, so I owe her for that." Lara then averted her eyes.


"It's about sang familial." I raised a brow at her words since she normally doesn't want to talk about it. "It's... more serious than I thought."

"What do you mean?"

"I... we have a lot on our plates, so maybe we should-"

"Lara, tell me." I softly commanded.

"If Zena doesn't complete the ritual by her 18th birthday, then she'll turn into a heinous beast that has lost all remnants of humanity. She'll kill anyone in her sights."

"Can we-"

"There's no cure except for death." She gulped and I saw tears in her eyes. "The council did extensive research and of all 50 who turned, all had to be put down. They did try to find something. They really did, Mila." Lara looked heartbroken. "And since she's waited so long and her birthday is nearing... it can't just be with any family member..." Lara now had tears rolling down her cheeks. "It has to be with you." She whimpered and began to sob. "I'm so sorry."


"I thought not being a complete vampire would halt it, but just a drop of vampiric blood makes you susceptible to it! I... this usually happens before we find a mate and... why?! Why does it have to be you?!" Lara covered her face while I held her. "I can't even think about you two... my wife and my child." I took a deep breath since I was in shock and- "I know you're disgusted and I understand. I'm sorry for doing this to you."

"La-" I jolted as the freight jerked around. We looked outside and saw that we had arrived at our destination. "We'll talk about this more when we get back, okay?" She sadly nodded at me.

We got up and walked to the open door. Lara held my hand as we jumped out of the train. I involuntarily shivered from the cold winds whipping around us. Lara held a hand up and then sighed since touching me would make me colder. I offered her a small smile, but she looked helpless.

I deeply exhaled before starting our journey through the snow. Lara offered to carry me, but I needed to build up my own heat. Lara frowned since there wasn't a village in sight, so she couldn't get me a jacket. I then realized there was only one way to avoid freezing to death. I began to strip and handed Lara my clothes. She watched me shift and I nudged my head for her to get on.

"My darling wolf." She smiled and scratched behind my ear.

Lara jumped on my back and I was off. The howling wind didn't affect me anymore, allowing me to travel through this never ending expanse. I had no idea where to go since the wind distorted any scents. I whined at Lara to tell me where to go.

"My love..." Lara looked around. "I have an idea, cherie." She ran her hands along my fur. "Travel east."

I nodded my head and took off in that direction. It didn't take long for me to see rapid moving silhouettes. Lara then suddenly propelled herself off me and tackled a vampire. The vampire thrashed around, but Lara easily subdued him. He stared at me in fear and whimpered as I got closer.

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