Chapter 1- Faith

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Success is not our only motivation - Osas

          A 100 in maths this term. Nothing more, nothing less. It's feasible right? I've been solving math problems all my life.

   You see that chemistry, that's where the problem lies. A 95 would look great on my report but it's a long shot from the present 87 that stands there. Chemistry has always been a problem, since Ss1. It only got worse every term. Imagine my horror when I found out doctors offer biochemistry during their university days. 

    I stare at my empty journal, my italic letters making new marks on it. I didn't have a choice, it was 95 or nothing. Maybe I'll just have to ask Osas for help. She didn't put as much effort in chemistry but still had a total of 96 last term. The highest in the entire set. I set my jaws and write 95 boldly in front of the subject.

        My physics was good. Great even, I just needed to keep that 98 exactly the way it was. Biology was a piece of cake. Nothing to worry about. English, hmm....a tricky one.

   "Faith." The door to my room opens slowly and my mummy pokes her head inside. The way she says my name makes it clear that no, she's not calling me to have dinner with her. She's here for something else.

"Ma," I reply, closing my journal. Only two things can bring her to my room; visitors-

"I just wanted to remind you that a new term is starting now." -and grades.

    She enters completely and closes the door. Her hair is plaited in neat black braids that she's packed into a big round donut. She stands with her hands akimbo and examines me as she speaks, like it didn't occur to me that school was tomorrow. Like I wasn't anxious about going back to a place filled with people I hated, people who hated me and people who wanted me to fall.

"Yes ma," I say instead.

"You need to work harder. You only managed to keep your position as first because of pure luck. If you're not careful that girl, what did you call her?"

"Ara," I remind her.

"Yes, Ara will take your position from your and we don't want that do we?" Her eyes widened as if to make a point. No. We really don't want that.

"No ma."

"Good. So work twice as hard, no excuses, no late nights, no parties just school okay?" She gives my phone a pointed look and I nod yet again. Satisfied, she smiles to herself mostly and leaves the room, closing the door behind her. No parties? No late nights? Just school? She's talking like I ever did anything other than school.

    Deflated, I walk to my wardrobe and grab the hidden stash of cigarettes under my clothes. Shoving it into my back pocket and grabbing a lighter I walk out of my room and out of my house through the back door. Ready to have a good smoke.
     At school the next day I focus on the good. I focus on the shiny badge on my chest that spelt out HEAD GIRL. I focus on my shiny red blazer. I focus on my friends, Ayo and Nora. Last but definitely not the least, I focus on my crush. It's lunch and as usual, Alex is sitting on the table just in front of us with his own clique; Travis, Umar and Paul.

    I've had a crush on him since Jss2 but that was all it was. A crush. Despite his graceful height and beautiful brown eyes, I haven't been able to bring myself to make him more than a crush. It was something that I just wasn't good at, talking to boys. It was also something that was used against me alot.

    "Esss, na Alex you dey observe like dat?" Ayo asked mockingly, giving me a hysterical look. I feel my eyes trail back to meet my friends' faces, the heat slowly rising to my cheeks.

    "No. Not at all, it's a new month and term, I'm not interested in-"

"Cap! No dey form abeg, we know you too well already," Nora interrupts me, growing all serious. She swiftly switches from pidgin to English when she realizes how odd it sounds coming from her.

"Faith, don't you think it's time to actually talk to this guy?" Ayo says, stealing some of the yam chips from my plate.

"I talk to him though," I say in defense but Nora quickly waves me off.

"What you have can't even be placed under small talk."

"What's the point though? It's not like I'm going to date him," I cast a quick glance at Alex before focusing on my friends once again. Now they're giving me wide eyes.

"What?" I demand.

"Why can't you date him? You turned 18 three months ago," Ayo reminds me. Like I'd forget.

"Things aren't so easy for me Ay," I roll my eyes, fidgeting with my spaghetti because of the anxiety I was getting from their unwavering gaze.

"I think things are only easy for those that want it to be. Alex is hot cake now, it's obvious he's way hotter than he was last term-"

"-which was totally expected after spending summer in the Maldives," Ayo adds.

"Did you see his last post? Gosh he's way hotter outside school," Nora lowers her tone at the last part and the two share a secret look that irks me but I ignore it. Focus on the bigger problem.

"So you think I should befriend him?" I ask for clarity.

"We think you should date him but yeah, baby steps," Ayo nods encouragingly. I press my lips into a thin line, just the thought of talking to him makes my body sweat, but the thought of having a shot does greater good than bad. If I could be that girl then it's worth the trial.


  "So let's move on to the fun part of today!" Miss Edith announces with an unusual fanfare. It is chemistry, the last class of the day and the most important if you ask me. Homeroom 1 and 2 took chemistry together, making the class number exactly 30. I sat in front like usual, Olivia Ndumaya next to me and Ayo by my right.

   The wave of nervousness that passes around the class after her statement is unmistakable. This is when she pairs us, whoever is picked as your partner will remain your pair for the rest of the year. My partner last year was Ayo and in SS1 it was Jibril. They were both easy to work with, I certainly hope my new partner is as good as they were.

   Casting a quick glance at the class behind me I'm met with all sorts of faces, Osas is sitting on my row, two seats behind me. She's in a deep conversation with Umar who's sitting on the seat by her right. If it was any of them I would manage but if it was Ara, oh God no.

"Olivia and...Jide," Miss Edith begins abruptly, causing the class to jolt into an unprecedented silence.

"London and Umar, Ara and Jibril-"

"Ah thank God," I mutter to myself.

"-Yamíl and Ayo, Osas and Faith, Travis and Timothy..." She goes on but I quickly zone out after hearing my name. I look back and find Osas already watching me, she gives me a raise of an eyebrow in acknowledgement and I raise mine back.

I wonder what this year's partner holds for me.


First chapter down! I really hope you enjoyed it, what do you think about the characters? Leave your thoughts in the comments below:-)


What's your favorite subject?
Mine is between geography and biology

Connect with me on Instagram at goldiee.o

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