Chapter 9- Travis

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 You're too kind– Osas

  "London won't leave Yamíl," Faith's fruity voice says from beside me. She has a gift, appearing from thin air.

"Did you hyperspace here?" I ask, my hand on my chest. I don't expect her to understand the pun but my face still falls when she gives me a blank look.

"Nevermind, what were you saying?"

"I was saying that London won't leave Yamíl, which makes it harder for me to play my part of the deal."

"Yamíl doesn't even like London, why would he put up with her for so long?"

"I don't know, I don't care."

"Are you okay?" I ask, allowing my eyes to really scrutinize her. She looks a bit more tired than she did earlier.

"Yes I'm fine," she replies robotically.

"Is this about Ara? I saw what she did, not cool."

"Anybody can dance with him, I wouldn't want to be like London, latching on like my life depended on it."

"True, true." We stand in silence for a minute and I expect her to walk away but she doesn't, she stays put. And I get the feeling that she's not here.

"Have you eaten?" I ask.

"Hmm? No, except snacks," she admits.

"Come on, let's get you something to eat." Without thinking about it I take her by the wrist and lead her to the buffet.

"Are you a vegetarian?" She asks once we get to the table.

"No why?"

"Okay great, I can't eat meat peacefully when I'm with a vegetarian," she chuckles to herself.

"Umar's a vegetarian, sad life," I shake my head. She only laughs some more, grabbing a plate and dishing her food. She goes for the safest food to try at a party. Jollof rice and chicken, add one hot dog, sprinkle some greens over it and voila, the perfect food has been made. When it's my turn I do the same, except I mix my jollof with fried rice, I don't add the hot dog, I just take extra chicken and I forgo the greens for a healthy amount of salad with mayonnaise.

"You like salad?" She asks me as we make our way our table. Many people are still dancing so the seats are mostly empty.

"Sure, don't you?"

"Not very much, I only take it when I'm sick."

"You should take it more often," I advise. We sit in comfortable silence as we eat, the etiquette classes we took since ss1 finally paying off. Faith doesn't speak again until she's successfully devoured half of her food.

"Why do like London?" The question throws me off guard. Usually people start with how long have you liked her. I consider it for a moment, of course the first thing I noticed about her was that she was pretty. And then she was smart, and although she's small she doesn't let people walk over her.

"She's strong," I decide upon. Faith wholeheartedly disagrees though because she snorts before she can stop herself.

"Sorry, my opinions don't matter," she apologizes quickly.

"Not really," I agree. When she keeps quiet I'm afraid she didn't realize it was a joke but then she laughs.

"You have a very weird sense of humor."

"I'll take it as a compliment," I smile to myself. "I got it from my dad though, my sense of humor."

"Really? Dads can be funny?"

"You mean Nigerian dads can be funny, and yes, yes they can. In fact that was how he met my mum in Jersey, stand up comedy," I reveal, enjoying the look of delightful shock on her face.


"Yeah, she laughed at his jokes all night and the rest is history," I smirk and she rolls her eyes.

"Why'd you guys move?" She asks after a beat.

"Well stand up comedy was just for fun, he actually works with a construction company and they sent him here to oversee some tower they're building nearby."

"You miss Jersey right? Sometimes I forget you're not from here, you blend in well. Despite your hair," she reaches out and pulls a strand before I can stop her. I playfully swat her hand away from me, causing her to let out a laugh.

"I do actually, I've got many friends there. But my mum also had to go back last year to take care of her mum."

"So it's just you and your dad? Why don't you bring your grandma here?"

"She's not quite keen on visiting the land of mosquitoes," I joke but this time she doesn't smile. I guess she doesn't find anything funny about it.

"I hope she gets well soon though, so your mum can come back," she says instead, resuming her food. I highly doubt that but I don't tell her. Rather, I follow her lead and focus on my food as well. It's at this moment that Umar, Jibril and Olivia appear, each taking a seat at our table.

"You guys should be dancing not eating," Umar says, classlesly snatching my fork and devouring the chicken on it before I can protest.

"Ahan! See Chicken there nau," I whine.

"Is that why you want to cry?" Liv mocks me, relishing the moment. I throw a handful of green peas at her face in reply.

"Have you guys seen Yamíl?" Jibril asks, taking another sip from his soda.

"Last I saw he was with London," Faith tells him.

"London? Wetin Yamíl go dey do with London?"


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