Chapter 48- Jibril

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Who are you?- Salma

    Exams are drawing nearer by the day and I'm trying to focus on my studies and not on my failing family business, not on my friend's new identity, or Travis's sick father. Gosh, so many problems.

Hakeem has successfully taken his father's place in the business, they'll be throwing a big party at their place to mark Khalil's retirement. This wouldn't seem so bad to me if Hakeem also hadn't managed to reduce my father's share of the company into next to nothing. I don't know how he did it but Salma was right, he got the shares and now he owns 60% of the company. Now he's the boss.

Deception, lies, manipulation and everything else that's shady was what he used to get to that position. Of course, even dad wanted to mum's not going to let him work for Hakeem and so she's been trying to get him to sell his shares and invest in something else. Dad just doesn't want to let go of the company he worked so hard to build.

It's not like we're broke now, we've still got a lot of mint money but the company was our main source of income. We'll be fine though, I know it.

I walk into math class and make a beeline to my seat between Travis and Yamíl. I'm 6 minutes late for the class but do I care? No.

"You look scary," Travis murmurs the moment I sit down.

"You look ugly," I retort. He hands me his note and I quickly copy the little I missed.

"Have you spoken to you mum?" I turn to Yamíl. He grunts a reply that's neither a yes nor a no. Personally, I think we all look terrible. It's crazy how at the start of this year all that mattered was our prefect posts and our GPAs. But now, there's a whole lot more coming at us.

"Heard from Osas?" Yamíl manages to say to me.

"Nah, I haven't really been online. Why?"

"Nothing much. I'm just worried about her. She would have met her dad by now."

"We'll call her later. For now let's just try and understand this..." I look up at the gibberish on the board. "Shit."


    All four of us stand together, waiting for our respective means of transportation back home. We didn't get to call Osas but that's fine, she's replied one of Faith's messages, she's just busy. I wonder who'll speed her up on things when she gets back home. The sun's just at it's peak when I spot Ara walking towards us.

"I should go," Faith murmurs, spotting her as well.

"Stay back Faith, I don't think she's here to fight," I tell her. Faith looks up at me and shrugs slightly.

"Hey guys," Ara greets when she's nearby.

"Wassup?" Travis hollers.

"Um nothing actually, I just had a great idea that I think you'd all love to participate in." Her eyes have a glint in them.

"Really?" Yamíl pipes in.

"It's Osas's birthday in a couple of days. I want to apologise to her so I decided to throw her a surprise party. Would you like to join in making it happen?" She spreads her arm.

"Of course, we're in... right?" I turn to Faith.

"It's for Osas. Of course we're in."


Short chapter! I know but there's loads more to come today so bear with me.

Love you loads 😍

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