Chapter 36- Jibril

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Friendship is a bond, family is blood- Hassan

     The walk back home is long, tiring but refreshing. I needed it after seeing what Travis was going through. I've never felt so useless in my entire life, just standing there, watching him fear for his father and not being able to do anything about it.

His father was awake, technically but was still under anesthesia so he wasn't fully awake. Travis didn't know much about what treatment he needed or when he'd get discharged, his aunt kept it all away from him.

I didn't want to but I had to leave before Yamíl because my house was farther away and I was walking home today. By the time I get to my gate I feel a bit clear headed, enough to actually study. Maybe solve a couple of math questions. These plans completely dissipate though, as I am welcomed with a chaos of my own.

I don't see it on time but I hear the loud voice of my mother screaming at someone.

"...I won't let you come here and insult us!"

What's going on? My pace quickens down the walkway.

"Just get out of my house! Get out!"

"He stole the money, I know he did!" Another voice replies. Is that-

"You're drunk, just go home." Dad's voice says, a lot calmer than mum's. And yet, I arrive just in time to see Hakeem stretch out his hands and shove him to the ground.

"Jesus!" Mummy screams the moment I shout: Dad!!

I rush inside, banging the door in the process and hurry to my fathers side. He grunts and grabs my hand for stability.

"Hakeem what are you doing!?" I demand. I'm not much of a threat to him though, because he only sneers at me some more. His eyes are blood shot red and he staggers a bit on this spot. Dad was right, he was very drunk.

"Why don't you tell your lying father to come out with the truth already!? He stole from my father!"

"Shut up! Shut up before I slap you now! Who stole? Is it the man that literally made you all? Have you forgotten your place!? If it wasn't for my husband you and everyone in your family would still be in Saudi crawling and pleading with your in-laws!" Mummy yells, coming to stand between him and us. I take the cue and help dad stand up.

"Leave him alone, he's drunk, just let him go home," he says to mummy. Daddy struggles but manages to get to the dining and sits on the chair there. His cool gaze falls on Hakeem.

"Go home and look at your accounts again," he suggests.

"You're all bloody thieves! I always knew that you were fake, everything was fake. Thank Allah that he stopped my sister from entering such a lying family-"

"Why are you still calling Allah? You are so drunk I can smell the whiskey coming out your mouth and you're calling Allah? In fact just get out! You have brought nothing but bad luck here, get out!" She storms inside dramatically. I make my way to Hakeem and give him a small push so he can start walking.

"Your father is a thief and so are you," he grunts as we walk out of the house. I say nothing to him.

"You won't marry my sister, I'll make sure of it. I won't let her spend her life with thieves," he continues but I do not reply. I just want him to get the hell out so I can call Salma.

"You, your father and your mother. I will ruin all of you." This made me stop and watch him. That sounded like a threat, a very well meaning threat.

"I may be a boy now Hakeem but I won't stay a boy forever. Be careful about the words you speak because they can easily come back to you. When you least expect it," I warn him. He grunts and continues on his way out, I do not accompany him. That's what you do with guests.


Salma picks up her phone on the first ring.

"Jibril, what did you do to Hakeem?" She demands.

"What? I didn't do anything to Hakeem, what happened?"

"He came home beaten up and injured and he only went to your house-"

"Are you serious right now? First he accuses my father of stealing and now you accuse me of beating him up?" My tone makes her silent.

"I'm sorry, I'm just worried about my brother," she apologizes, her voice soft.

"And I'm worried about my dad. He didn't steal anything."

"Well everyone here buys Hakeem's story..." She trails off.

"Do you?" I implore. She's silent for a moment until she speaks.

"I really don't know."

"That's fine, they're you family either way. It doesn't really matter what you believe."

"They're calling off the marriage," she sounds panicked.

"I know...I don't see any way it can continue when they are at each other's necks."

"Do you think we can reconcile them?"

"No, this is about business. Money can change a lot, I just witnessed that first hand."

"But we don't have to stop talking right? I don't think I can handle this alone."

"We don't have to. You can call me whenever you feel like," I assure her.

"Thank you."

"Thank you too."


Mum and dad think I'm asleep on the couch, that's probably why they speak unfiltered as they drink their night tea.

"Those idiots, Hassan you have to put them back where they belong. Can you imagine the audacity!?" She hisses.

"Calm down, it's a misunderstanding that will be settled," dad says as calm as ever.

"I disagree. Hakeem has started a war that will not stop even if we wanted it to."

"Hakeem will get what he deserves. He played with the money he was supposed to use to invest in the lands and now he's pinning it on me."

Was Hakeem betting?

"And Jibril?" My interest piques.

"I do not know the path he will thread, but I do know that now more than ever, I need my son."

It's here and now that I vow to always be there for my father. I will always be that son.

You might not know but you're witnessing the start of something major!

Early morning update 🙉!!!

How'd you sleep?

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