Chapter 12- Jibril

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You are the next big thing– Hakeem

    Dad's company is very far from Solomon High. Yet, he adamantly makes me follow him to his office after school, like I won't have to sleep and get ready for school tomorrow. As it is with everything else involving him, to fight is a losing game. So I resign to my fate and try to get as much sleep as I can in the car. Which isn't much because between the incessant horns and yells from crazy Lagos drivers I hardly get any rest.

It's 7:30 by the time we get to the company. AA Engines. That's what it's called. A major partnership between dad and uncle Khalil, but dad has the major share. The place is nearly empty when we enter, the receptionist immediately recognizes me and smiles.

"Ah, oga your boy don tall pass you o," she says as greeting. I should know her but I just can't remember her name. I bow my head slightly in greeting.

"God bless you my son, see as he's handsome," she says, rubbing a hand across my face. It takes every muscle in my body to stop me from cringing.

"Yes o, we thank God," dad says, already moving toward the elevator. I respectfully detangle myself from her touch and follow him.

"Why are we here? Did you come to take some files or what?" I ask when we enter the elevator. If mummy was here she'd probably slap my lips in reply but dad is chill so he just shakes his head.

"Khalil called me before you entered the car. His son is here, he needs some files that only I have access to," he explains.

"And you couldn't give him any other day?"

"If I could we wouldn't be here," dad says sarcastically, giving me a look. I take it as a warning and step back. The elevator opens, revealing the 4th floor, where his office is. As we make our way to the large door I mentally process what he said earlier. Uncle Khalil's son? He has only one son, the sole heir to all his wealth, Hakeem. I'm not particularly fond of Hakeem, I've grown up with him around me but I've never really thought of him as an uncle. His image is tainted by the one time I caught him dead drunk outside our house one night. I think I was 12...a very complex story. One for another day.

"Hakeem!" Dad greets when he opens the door. Just as I thought, Hakeem is standing a couple metres away, smiling at dad. He's tall but not as tall as me, and the Nigerian weather has done a lot to tan his skin. Nevertheless, between his muscular build and sharp frame, he probably still turns a lot of heads. He would turn Mercy's head for sure.

"Jibril? Wow, you've grown to be a handsome young lad," he calls to me, snapping me back to reality. His hands are outstretched and I only understand belatedly that I'm supposed to hug him. Quickly, I make my way to him so that things don't get awkward, although it feels weird. Hugging a guy I remember only because he haunted me.

"You two can catch up, let me go get the files," dad tells us. He grabs his keys from the table and walks out.

Hakeem watches in silence until dad goes, then he pushes the seat nearest to him and settles on it.

"You're graduating this year right?" He asks, pushing the next seat to me. I oblige and sit down.

"Next year actually," I correct. His lips spread into a small smile. I watch silently as he pours a glass of carbonated water for himself and looks at me questioningly.

"I'm good thanks," I shake my head, respectfully declining.

"If you insist," he pauses to drink. "So tell me what you plan on doing after you graduate? Which course and school?"

"Well, I'd love to go to Stanford to study law," I explain.

"But you're a science student right?" He raises a brow.

"Technically I'm actually an art student. My school allows us to take optional subjects from each department. I chose Chemistry and Biology."

"Wow, that's lovely. The extra knowledge won't hurt."


"Will you stay for a while? When I finished school I took a gap year, tried to figure out how exactly this whole business works." He takes another sip of his carbonated water.

"I'm more interested in finishing my school on time," I turn down his suggestion. Hakeem's gaze turns a bit cool and I fear I've crossed a line but then his face grows soft.

"The truth is you're the next big thing. You can try to stall it, but you will end up here. In this office, overseeing everything. The faster you accept it, the easier it will be for you."

"I'm not trying to stall it."

"I've been in your situation. You probably have it worse because you're the only child but I can relate. Salma's a girl, mum wouldn't let her take over the business in her lifetime. I still tried to avoid it, stall it but I couldn't struggle with my parents, and in retrospect I'm glad I didn't," he leans forward and looks at me squarely. "It might seem boring but there's a security that comes from working with family that doesn't come anywhere else. Also, the pay is amazing."

"I realize I'll inherit all of this regardless of whether or not I want it. I would just like to be a teen for the mean time, there's no rush."

"Salma's a great girl." The change is so abrupt it takes me a moment to catch up.

"I wasn't–"

"It's fine Jibril, I understand. Remember that my wife was also picked for me. I felt restricted, caged but I don't feel like that now. Listen I watched you grow up. I'm not saying this because she's my sister but because it's true, your personalities complement each other. You'll only get to see it though, if you let yourself see it."

"I think your sister's cool," I say when he keeps giving me an expectant look.

"I trust you with her. Promise me you won't hurt her," he holds my gaze.

"I promise." I hold his gaze.

"Perfect, thank you."


      Later that night I don't fall asleep the moment I lie down on my bed. Instead I stay still for most of the night, staring into the dark sky. I never would've thought I'd be here, thinking about a girl I've only met once and not because I'm smitten by her but because I'm expected to be smitten by her.  The loud buzz from my phone draws my attention away from my sad life and to reality. It's an email from SOHL.

  The Student Council Elections have begun.

Another day of sun! What do you think the next chapter awaits? Don't forget to vote and comment!


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