Chapter 17- Jibril

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Salma's beautiful– Osas

   I'm digging this movie, I really am but I start losing focus when Travis leaves to find Faith. I turn around to watch him go (for no good reason) and when I'm about to turn back around I lock eyes with a familiar face three rows behind me.


Shocked, I instantly look away. What's Salma doing here? Her house is like 3 hours away from her and that's when there's no traffic. Despite myself I turn back around but I don't find Salma there again. Was I hallucinating? I really don't think so, I saw her hijab. Bright green, I saw her eyes. She was here, and she ran away because she saw me.

"Are you okay?" Yamíl whispers, immediately noticing my uneasiness.

"I'm pretty sure I just saw Salma," I tell him.

"What? Here? Does she do movies?" He looks completely perplexed. I give him a blank look.

"Did I ever tell you she was locked up?"

"Well I'm pretty sure you must've implied so," he defends. Our bickering gains Osas's attention.

"Is there a problem?" She asks rather softly.

"Not really, Jibril just saw Salma," Yamíl explains. Like she's aware of everything that's been going on. As expected, Osas just blinks.

"Who's Salma?" There's a pause. Yamíl waits for me to reply. Who is Salma? My betrothed? That sounds way too creepy. So I settle for the modern day version.

"My girlfriend."

"You have a girlfriend? I didn't know."

"Neither did I up until a month ago," I say dryly.

"Are you gonna look for her?" Yamíl asks me. I look to him for an answer to his question. Should I? And what would I do if I found her?

"Nah, I'll just stay. I'll see her later." I can tell that Osas cannot phantom why I decided not to chase after my girlfriend but I believe that's a topic for another day.

I sit back and try to refocus but then Travis and Faith return, wearing solemn looks.

"Did you fall?" I ask Travis sarcastically. As usual, he grabs my subtle way of showing I care and sticks out his tongue at me. I'm surprised the people behind us haven't yelled at us yet.

Salma was behind you.

"I wish," I hear Faith mutter behind Travis. He sticks his tongue out at her too as they sit down. These two have no idea how cute they look together, they always find a way to bicker. And they haven't known each other for long but I'm already used to seeing them together.

You let her go.

Oh for God's sake why wouldn't my mind rest!!? It's not like I swore loyalty and support to this girl. She saw me just as much as I saw her! Why do I have to feel so guilty?

"I'm going to catch some fresh air," I finally announce. I hear Yamíl snort softly but decide not to pay attention to him. I casually bounce out of the theater and make my way outside. The I get out of that room I inhale the sweet scent of fresh air. Or semi fresh air, these people wear crazy perfumes.

I make my way to the ice cream stand and order the biggest cone for myself. Faith and Osas will be positively heartbroken if they find out that I bought this without them but they can always come and buy whenever they please. I need something to while away my time.

Oh just say you're waiting for her.

I am not.


As if they're somehow in touch, my phone buzzes with a text from Yamíl.

Yamíl: have you found her yet?

Bastard. I start rapidly texting him back about how I'm not looking for her when a familiar voice stops me.

"One more vanilla ice cream please, yes, the biggest cone." I didn't think I would recognize her voice so easily but the moment I hear it I know it's her. Sure enough, when I look up I find her standing right next to me, ordering ice cream. When she turns to look around her eyes immediately fall on me and not so surprisingly her face falls once the recognition kicks in.

"Hey," she greets. I nod back in return. To be honest, at this point I've lost my desire to converse with her. If anyone was watching they'd think I was chasing her around. Which I totally am not. So, instead of standing idly by I take my ice cream and start going away when a small hand eagerly drags me back.

"Hi! You must be Jibril, I'm Fatima, Salma's cousin!" A small, seemingly younger version of Salma says to me. Her smile is so wide I fear for her cheeks and she looks so happy it's confusing. Nonetheless, I accept her outstretched hand.

"Hi, nice to meet you."

"Same here! I've heard a lot about you from my uncle and Aunt and even Salma," at this point Salma pulls Fatima's braids but the girl is unhinged. "You guys are like the major talk in our entire family right now."

"Really? That's...good to know."

"Ignore her, it's not really that big of a deal," Salma says apologetically.

"He should have an idea of what he's getting into you know," Fatima glares at her cousin.

"I should," I agree. Salma looks like she could throw her entire ice cream at me, which for some reason encourages me.

"Aha! You're coming for dinner on Friday right? I'll be there too, I'll tell you all about it," she promises.

"It's a date then, I've gotta get back inside, the movie's very interesting. Till Friday," I wave, mostly to Fatima.


  When I sit back down there's a goofy smile on my lips that just won't disappear. Yamíl, being the boy that he is, notices this immediately.

"I take it that you saw her?" He whispers to me.

"As well as her cousin."

"And did she kiss you or something? Why do you look so happy?" He scrunches up his nose at me.

"Focus on the movie guy," I laugh a bit too loud. Faith leans over to hiss at me.

"Shut up!" She snaps. Yamíl and I mock salute her before leaning back on our seats.

Yamíl: Jib's got a girlfriend:-):-):-)

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