Chapter 11- Travis

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What motivates you?- Alex

With the stress of the Welcome party gone, I could live my life again. Of course, this is still very controlled, as my actions have to reflect my post as the Library Prefect boy. Regardless though, I can at least enjoy Literature, the only class I have with London, peacefully.

Here's the thing, literature is an optional subject for science student at SOHL. Many science students don't offer the subject because they find it useless but I'm a sucker for poetic words. Plus, our teacher, Miss Banjo, is the very best. And (a PLUS plus) London's offering it as well, not that it matters.

But it does when she walks in. I immediately stop fumbling with my nails and silently pray that she picks a seat next to me. There's no specific seating arrangement because most of us offering Lit aren't even in this class but London has only say with me approximately zero point zero nine times. So it's a far fetched dream because why would she choose to sit with me today?

That, my dear friends, is a question I soon have to ask as she zeroes her eyes on me and starts walking in my direction.

"Is this seat free?" She asks. Because I'm sitting and she's standing (with her boots that boost her height by a whole feet) it feels like she's towering over me. For a moment I have no idea what to say but then I regain control, I'm Trav. That guy.

"Yeah sure," I shrug, scooting away for her to seat.

"Miss B isn't here yet?" She asks, to herself I'd like to believe because Miss B clearly isn't here.

"No. How's the literature book going?"

"Mmm? Oh, it's calm. Nothing too spicy," she looks just as disinterested as she sounds. I try not to gape at her. Our literature book is Shakespeare's Macbeth. And this girl just said it's not spicy???

"Really? I think it's like a reality show," I frown.

"I'm not really into old books," she defends herself.

"Are you into books at all?" E reach to ask.

"Yeah sure but I'm very selective..."

"Oh, so you prefer what? Investigative murder?" I try but she laughs so loud it's obvious I've missed it.

"Romance. I'm okay with any subplot but I live for romance."



"Have you spoken to Yamíl today?" She suddenly asks.

"No...why?" I raise a brow.

"Nothing much, I think he's been avoiding me..." She trails off, a large frown settling on her face. Suddenly I recall that nobody really told me what happened between them at the party.

Did they...

No. Right? Yamíl wouldn't be ghosting her if they did. Right?

"Is everything cool between you two?"

"I hope so," she says with finality. I'm about to say something else when she turns away from me and starts arranging her books I guess that's all for today.


  "Yamíl doesn't like London right?"

  "Of course he doesn't," Faith replies immediately. She sends me a very confused look. It's closing and I'm following her to her school bus, mostly because I need to inform her about the latest happenings with London.

  "Why are you asking such questions?" She turns to peer at me.

"Nothing, I just... London spoke to me today," I admit.

"Really? Wow that's awe–"

"But it was only to ask about Yamíl. And so I thought about what happened between them at the Welcome party, Yamíl doesn't usually hang around London but they were together for a long time."

"It doesn't mean he likes her," she frowns at me.

"But she likes him," I point out.

"Well obviously, didn't you know that earlier?"

"What!? You knew?" I freeze in my tracks and she stops as well, although she's obviously blasé blasé about her revelation.

"Travis, don't tell me you didn't know London likes Yamíl. It's so obvious even the cleaner knows," she lets out a loud huff.

"Well I didn't, and if you did then why didn't you tell me before making me agree to this deal?"

"Because I thought you knew! And besides what difference does it make? It doesn't matter how much or how long she's been crushing on him, Yamíl doesn't like her and I can assure you of that. You have a chance with her."

"Are you saying that because you genuinely believe it or because of what you'll get from me?"

  Faith adjusts her sling bag and sends me a dead stare.

"What I think doesn't matter, you're the one who wants the girl."

  And with that she turns around and walks over to her school bus, leaving me feeling like a complete fool.


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