Chapter 38- Faith

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I wanna be your end game– TSwift

"I like Travis," I blurt to Osas. We're trekking to the hospital under the warm sun. She looks down and examines my face.

"You're not joking," she decides. I don't know why I told her, it just came out of my mouth. And I just feel like Osas has the words I need to hear.

"I'm not. I tried not to, I mean after Alex I wasn't looking for a new crush. It just kind of..." I trail off, searching for the right word.

"Happened?" She supplies.

"Yes. It just happened." She stays silent for a long time and it's only after she lets out a loud sigh that she speaks.

"See ehn, I'm not the best person to ask about boy advice. I've never had a boyfriend and I don't think I will any time soon. But I know Travis. I know he's cool and respectful towards girls so if you want to date him I'm not going to try and stop you."

"I'm not looking to dating him," I clarify. "I just like him."

"And if he likes you back?" She ventures.

"Then I guess it's just that. A mutual feeling."

"I hope you're not planning on blowing it up in his face soon. He's got enough on his plate," she reminds me.

"I wasn't, I don't think I'll ever be able to tell any boy I have a crush on him before he tells me," I admit.

"Me too. I mean maybe I'd drop hints here and there but to say it outright? Godforbid." She throws her hand over head twice so quickly that it's couples.

"And Alex?" She asks after a beat.

"What about him?" I tense up. I never told anyone about my conversation with Alex, since that time I've been avoiding him.

"You two...what happened?"

"What do you mean what happened?" This Osas ehnnnn.

"I don't know what happened Faith so if you tell me nothing happened I'll have no choice but to believe you but I know something happened."

"We talked a bit...honestly you were right. He isn't worth it," I shrug.

"Does he like you?"

"Did he ever?"

Osas opens her mouth but then decides against saying anything and shuts them back.

"We're here," I announce. The tall hospital building hovers us, a terrible reminder of what Travis is going through. We pass the gates and make our way into Block A.

"Is his dad here?" Osas whispers behind me.

"He's in Ward 36. It's upstairs, come on," I beckon. When I came here with the boys yesterday his father was still asleep. We all stayed inside with Travis, telling him all about what happened at school. His mum would be here today though, and that makes me a bit nervous. It felt like I was meeting my mother-in-law.

We stop in front of the ward and I knock silently. Almost immediately, Travis opens the door.

"Hey you," he actually smiles at me. He looks much better than yesterday, freshened up and alive.

"You slept," I observe. He nods in agreement. I step aside for Osas to greet him and his already bright face brightens even more.

"Hey! I heard about your sister," his lips are in a full blown beam now. Osas mirrors it as she steps forward.

"Thank you. How are you? Is your dad okay?" She asks, peeking a look into the room. Travis glances back into the room and then looks back at us.

"He's sleeping now. Wanna meet my mum?" When none of us object he opens the door wider and we step inside.

  Travis's mum is sitting next to his dad on the bed, studying something on her phone. When she realizes we've stepped inside she raises her head and I almost get knocked over.

Travis's mum is beautiful. Her hair is long, wavy and extremely dark brown. Almost like chocolate. Her skin is shiny and free from wrinkles, almost like she's Asian. Her eyes fold when she smiles at us and her lips widens, revealing bright teeth. Gosh, Travis definitely got his looks from her.

"Mum, meet my friends, Faith and Osas," he introduces. She stands up and walks towards us.

"It's very nice to meet you. I'm Marion," she extends a hand for each of us to shake.

"We're very sorry about what happened ma, all of our best wishes are with your husband," Osas says before I can even think of anything to say. I hope she doesn't think I'm disrespectful and lack home training now.

"Thank you. I really appreciate you two coming over to check on him," she says, glancing at Travis. "Why don't you guys go for a treat? He hasn't eaten since morning. While you're at it please convince him to go to school tomorrow," she pleads. As expected, Travis rolls his eyes at her as he grabs his wallet. I nod at her request. That won't be so bad, I want Travis back at school too.

  "Come on," he tells us. We make our way out the same way we entered and the moment we're a safe distance away from the ward I openly Stan his mum.

"God, Travis your mum is beautiful,"  I gape at him. He looks at me like I've grown three eyes and I laugh.

"She's right guy, you should've told us," Osas joins my cause, playfully hitting his shoulder.

"Told you about what?" He laughs, utterly confused.

"That your mum was that hot! I was this close to shouting 'Jesus'," Osas laughs louder at her possible blunder.

"Abeg you guys should rest, let's go get shawarma."


"So he starts chemo soon?" Osas asks, taking a bite of her shawarma. We're standing outside the hospital, watching people pass by with our shawarma in our hands.

"Yes, as soon as possible. It'll be fine. The doctor says that his chances of surviving are very slim but mum and I are positive either way."

"She's not going to treat him abroad?" I inquire, genuinely shocked.

"She's thinking about it. But I don't want to go abroad yet. I want to finish the year with you guys," he replies, keeping his gaze on me. I feel my face go hot and I mentally slap myself. This isn't the time or place to start dwelling on things like this.

"It'll all be fine Trav," Osas promises.

His phone buzzes before he can reply and he reads the text.

"It's my mum, dad's awake. I should get going," he tells us.

"I've got to go get ready for the wedding. Greet your dad for me okay?" Osas tells him. They hug for a long moment before Osas waves a Keke and leaves.

"You're not going?" Travis asks, looking at me.

"I'm not in a hurry," I shrug. My parents are out either way. He folds him lips together like he's fighting a smile.

"Thank you."

"Come on let's go."

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