Chapter 45- Travis

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Good friends we've got- Ara

    Dad's been discharged.

    He got out of that sickening hospital yesterday and since then our once lonely and quiet house has been filled with visitors non stop. Most are dad's colleagues but there are some distant family members who stop by. As much as I love seeing my dad and mum happy and all lovey dovey, I'm relieved when I have to go to school the next day because please, one can only take so much of it.

    It's a new month, actually it's been a new month since last week but I've been too busy to acknowledge it. I've been too busy to care about my grades as well and as a result there has been a minor decline. It's minor, I can assure you. My GPA is still within the range of 3.5.

    But it means I've got to do extra credits to make up for the missed tests and the ones I flopped as well. That's not too bad, extra credits at SOHL just translates to extra assignments and that's cool. In fact it's so cool that I'm halfway through with them by lunch time.

"Everyone's tasting my cupcakes!" Faith declares, slamming her tray on the not so empty table. I look up from my calculator to have a look at the cupcakes.

"Oooh, you made these?" I ask. The cupcakes are big and soft, and creamy. And the icing just melts in my mouth, it's like heaven.

"Gosh, I didn't know you could bake so well," I shoot her an impressed look.

Wife material.

Shut up!

"I have no appetite for sugary things today," Yamíl declines. He pushes the cupcake Faith had been pushing towards him back to her.

"I personally think you need it," I reveal, pushing it back towards him.

"I agree," Jibril supports me. Yamíl just stares at the cupcake. My man's been like this since he came to school today and no amount of questioning could make him budge. Faith sits down on her usual seat and looks straight at him.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing," he answers automatically.

"Bloody liar," I mutter, taking another bite off the cupcake.

"I don't get why you won't even tell me," Jibril grumbles, obviously hurt.

"Should I call Osas? Maybe she can force the truth out of you," Faith suggests, already grabbing her phone. Yamíl looks positively confused at the mention of Osas and is about to object when all our phones ping.

"Speak of the devil," I grin. Osas sent a picture of the food she definitely won't finish.

"So much food," Yamíl comments drily.

"She definitely won't finish that, I wonder how she's faring," Jibril says.

"I wonder if she's met her dad," Yamíl wonders as well.

"Her dad?" Faith repeats.

"I wasn't supposed to say that," Yamíl covers his mouth. The closest thing to mortification slips into his face.

"She hasn't met her dad?" Faith looks as alarmed as she sounds.

"I'm not in the place to talk about it," Yamíl looks away.

"He's right. But you're in the place to tell us about yourself," I insist.

"Fine. Just... don't make it a big deal," he warns.

"Never," we all promise.

"My aunt Diane is my biological mother."

"Whaaatt!!?" Jibril proceeds to make it a big deal.

"This is totally a big deal," I fold my lips at Yamíl.

"Wait wait. Hold on. Your aunt is your mum? How? Does that mean Mercy isn't your sister?" Faith asks.

"She's my half sister."

"That's not possible. That would mean Aunt Diane and your father..." Jibril's face goes red.

"Yamíl..." Faith trails off.

"Does Mercy know?" Jibril asks.

"No and I would like for things to stay that way."

"When did you find out?" I ask.

"Yesterday. It's a complicated story," he sighs.

"Indeed," I murmur. I have no idea what to say so I just pat his back slowly. No matter how bad, or awkward things get. I'm not leaving these guys because they didn't leave me when I needed them the most.

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