Chapter 8- Faith

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   You are resilient, strong and determined– Travis

   I'd reminded Travis of our deal before the party but I still don't feel confident in him. I don't trust him. For all I know he could've forgotten everything about it, he's very lackadaisical about life in general.

I'm just about to give up and text him when I feel someone come up from behind me.

"Hey," Alex greets. He's dazzling, like really dazzling. His afro looks even neater than usual, the delicate lines spelling out his name by the side. It was a work of art. I realize I'm starting and stutter out a reply.

"Um...h-hi. Are you enjoying the party?"

"Yes actually. The food is great, and the teachers are letting us live so..." He shrugs, smiling at me. I take back my words, Travis is wonderful.

"I'm glad you like it, I really wanted this year's party to be great. It's our last after all."

"That's true, wanna dance?" He extends his hand, raising both eyebrows.

This isn't really happening right? Pinch me already, just do it.

But the only physical touch I receive next is the feeling of his hand on mine as he drags me to the dance floor.  I feel like I'm in a dream, and it's only the two of us in it.

"You look pretty, have I mentioned that?" He asks, a small smile playing on his lips.

"Thank you," I reply, hardly getting the words out. I picked the gold sequin gown so I get to stand out. SOHL students had a thing against gold coloured fabrics, it's a long story. Either way I'd succeeded, so far no one else was wearing gold. And very few people actually had their masks on.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I compliment him, not ready for silence.

"Thank you, you have no idea how much love my mother put into it," he relishes in the compliment. The mask on my face feels heavier as my eyebrows shoot up.

"Really? Your mum made this?"

"Yes, well actually she usually sticks to designing only but she made an exception for me."

"Wow, she's so talented."

"I know right?" He raises my hand to twirl me around before I can reply. It's divine.

"Are you going to do the same?" I ask when I'm facing him again, standing a bit closer.

"What? Design? Oh no, I'm not creative at all. And I'm more into cars than clothes," he shakes his head adamantly.

"But you'll need creativity to build cars," I remind him.

"When we get there we shall see," he waves me off, sounding more Yoruba than ever. This makes me laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks, the image of my smile replicating on his lips.

"Oh it's nothing," I try to lie but the laughter won't stop.

"You're lying, I'll tickle you o," he threatens, placing his hands securely on my waist.

"Ah no, I'm serious it's nothing," I insist, slowly killing the laughter.

"You're a terrible–"

"Excuse me, can I borrow him?" Ara asks, appearing from nowhere. Her hair is pulled into two ponytails and she's wearing...oh my gosh she's wearing satin gold! This girl is so annoying!!!!

"Earth to Faith?" She waves her hand over my face, snapping me back to reality.

"Oh, of course," I look to Alex for confirmation and he doesn't look opposed to it. I guess I didn't make that much of an impression. Just as dreamily as he'd appeared behind me he leaves to the other side of the hall with Ara. The pain in my neck.
Nevertheless, this was a deal. Hence, I have to play my part. And that's what I try to do, but when I turn I'm met with the faces of Nora and Ayo.

"What was that?" Ayo demands. The bubble gum in her mouth is going kpa kpa kpa.

"What? Did you see me dancing with Alex?"

"Ah we saw it on, we also saw that short rat grabbing him away," Nora gives the spot where she was standing a dirty look.

"And then we saw her dragging his collar like as if her life depended on it," Ayo is giving me the dirty look now.

"Were they kissing?" I ask, feeling my heart fall into my stomach.

"They were at the back Faith, and it's Aramide we're talking about here," she continues.

"Shit," I murmur, holding Nora for balance.

"We told you didn't we, you wasted so much time and now she's played her card," Nora says, obviously feeling sad for me.

"Who knows, this might not even be the first time they're kissing, they may have even done worse sef," Ayo says, mostly to herself though.

"What do I do?" I ask, because I'm totally lost when it comes to boys.

"Is he even worth chasing again? Abeg rest your case," Ayo advises, handing me her half cup of soda.

"But it's not over until it's over, so what? She's kissing him, what makes you so sure that he's kissing her?"

"Nora you sure sey you get sense at all?" Ayo stares at her in shock.

"What it's true nau!"

"He's a boy for crying out loud, if Faith continues chasing him he might just end up using both of them as cruise."

"He's not like that o," Nora pouts.

"What do you know? Abeg Faith, don't listen to her o please. I'm telling you now," she holds out her ear like the mother she is and I nod. I nod and nod again but this whole area is starting to choke me.

"I'm going to get some fresh air okay?" I tell them before going out through the back door. The moment I'm sure I'm alone I fish out the cigarette and lighter from my purse. Just seeing the fire calms me down and by the time I take my first drag I'm in heaven.

I started smoking in August, when I found the pack in my sister's room. Amaka, being the third born, is the only one I can relate to in that house. She feels just as pressured as I do. And when she can't take it anymore she smokes, I've caught her twice now. But she doesn't know and it's better that way. I wonder what they would say if they saw me here, sulking over a boy. Mummy would probably remind me that I should aim higher and not below. Aim higher and not below.

I put out the stick at my fourth drag, sit in comfortable silence for a moment and then get up only when I'm sure the smell of smoke is mostly gone. Now I've got to find London or else Travis will kill me.

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