Chapter One

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"Nope .. uh huh no way." Usopp says, while shaking his head no. "How the hell would we get up there?" Zoro adds. "Yeah we don't have wings, you know." Chopper said. "Huh?" Luffy responded, as he rubbed his hand over his chin. "I don't have any idea." Everyone face palmed themselves, "Of course you didn't." "Yeah and what is even exactly up there?" Sanji questioned.

"I bet it's some kind of ancient city. I can only imagine how much history lies there." Robin says, staring out to the sea that was filled with debris. "Ancient city means ancient treasure." Nami adds with a sigh of relief. "Is that all you can think about right now?" Usopp says. The crew continued to talk while Luffy was still deep in thought. The chatter made it harder for him to concentrate and all he needed was one moment of solitude.

You stood there while the Straw Hat walked right up to bury his head right into your cleavage. "Luffy .. now is not the time." You say awkwardly. "Just give me a second I need to think." He muffled. Popping his head up he stuck his finger in the air, "I got it!" "Oh boy this should be good." Chopper adds. "We'll use YN to get there." The straw hat says, proudly showing you off. "What?!" You yell. You quickly grab his cheeks, begin pinching and stretching them, "You're just going to offer up my services huh?"

Luffy lets out whines, "Aw cmon I just want to be the pirate king. I'm sorry." Ignoring his whines, you continued to pinch away at his cheeks, "No .. no excuses, we don't even know what's up there." You retorted. The crew ignored the torment you were giving Luffy, "Uh oh." Nami says. "Something the matter?" Robin asked.

Nami let out a nervous chuckle over the chaos, "Hey guys it looks like we have to stop in the nearest time for supplies." "See its fate." Luffy grumbled, raising a finger in the air.


Docking at the port in Mock Town, "Alright let's go." Luffy says, excitedly. "Not so fast, rubber man." You say. Grabbing him by the hem of his vest, you dragged him over to Zoro and Sanji, "Listen you three." "Yes mam." Sanji yelled, with a small trickle of blood running down his face.

"Pull it together you curl browed freak. What is it YN?" Zoro asked. "Glad you asked." You answer with a toothy smile. "She has a nice smile doesn't she." Luffy adds. "Please no fighting. I'd rather not be chased by marines and enjoy my shopping." The three men looked at you as if you were asking them to do the impossible, "But wha-" Zoro started.

You held a hand in the air stopping him, "That means, no Black Leg, no Three Sword art style and you." Pointing directly at Luffy, "No shifting gears." The strawhat huffed and raised his hand in the air, "Permission to punch someone if they're staring at you?" "Permission denied." You retort.

"Aw .. oh permission to punch someone if they are breathing the same air as you?" Luffy asked. "That's the same thing." Sanji mumbled. "Just let him have this." Zoro responded. You let out a sigh, "Just behave. I have to go meet the girls." You say, walking away. "Wait a minute." Luffy says.

Stretching his arm out bringing you into his embrace, "We didn't kiss goodbye." He whined. "Oh god I think I'm going to be sick." Sanji says, dramatically holding a hand over his chest. "Too much damn PDA." Zoro yelled. The two of you ignoring their grunted mumbles, as your lips became one.

Luffy slightly moaned into your mouth as the grip you held around his neck tightened, "Please God if you're up there make this stop." Sanji yelled, falling to his knees.


"I think I'm going to get this one." You say, stepping out of the changing room. Standing in front of the oversized mirror dressed in a deep purple two-piece set, that had a cropped top and a skirt with slits on both sides of your legs, decorated with gold accents. "Oh, my someone looks stunning." Robin says, complementing your outfit. "Aw thanks Robin, I needed something since my clothes were drenched in salty sea water." You respond, remembering the events from earlier.

"Well, it isn't like you'll be wearing it for too long, the way you and Luffy go at it." Nami adds, grabbing the clothing walking over to the register. You dramatically gasp, "I have no idea what you're talking about." Mind begins to be filled with all the lewd acts you and Luffy have done, "Right sure you don't." Nami says.

Before you could retort a loud crash could be heard, "What the hell was that?!" Nami exclaimed. "We've been in enough of these situations to know that it is most likely our crew." Robin explained. "I said no fighting. We should go before the marines show up." You say. Nami quickly paid as the three of you exit the shop heading to the crash site.

"Maybe we should give up you guys. It's clear they don't want to help us." Usopp pleaded. "What the hell happened here?" Nami questioned. Seeing Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji lying on the ground battered and bruised with a frantic Chopper attempting to assess their injuries. "Nami dear, it was awful." Sanji whined, attempting to leap into Nami's arms.

Quickly dodging him while you walked over to the straw hat, looking down at him with cleavage slightly poking out as you were towering above him, "Oh hi baby. I like your new dress." Luffy says, with a toothy grin. "What happened?" You asked. He let out a small laugh as he sat up, 'Well everyone pretty much laughed at me and then beat us up for asking about a town that doesn't exist." He explained, rubbing the back of his head sorely.

You could feel your blood boil but whoever did this can wait, for now you have to heal everyone. "Oh Miss YN, it was terrible. Some guy named Bellamy and his crew threw us out of the bar." Chopper cried. You opened up both of your palms producing the healing Ala Ala fruit, "Come here." You spoke to Luffy. Crouching down to his level as the both of you locked eyes as the flower healed his injuries, "You know just because your rubber doesn't mean you can't feel pain."

"I know but that's why I have you." He responds with a smile. You growled trying to hide your flushed face, "Stop being cute."

YN after explaining on how they cant fight everyone and the boys disregarding everything she said 😂😂😂

YN after explaining on how they cant fight everyone and the boys disregarding everything she said 😂😂😂

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The crew anytime YN and Luffy display PDA 😂😂😂

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