Chapter Six

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Vision blurry as you peeled your eyes open

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Vision blurry as you peeled your eyes open. Mind readjusting quickly once you realized what was going on. Quickly sitting up but ultimately clashing heads with someone, "Ow! What the fuck!?" You curse, rubbing the sore spot

"I'm sorry babe. I-I was just double checking making sure you were still breathing." Luffy blabbed. Pain subsiding as Luffy threw himself on you. Arms wrapping tightly around your body, "I'm so sorry." Out of instinct you wrap yours around his while rubbing his back soothingly.

Thats was until you felt rows of bandages, "Uh what happened while I was asleep?" You ask. Luffy raised up nervously chuckling while rubbing the back of his neck, "You see .. me and Zoro kind of got into a fight." One of your eyebrows raised, "A fight? How long was I even out for?" Luffy's eyebrows furrowed in anger recalling the events from earlier, "Nothing to bad. I just caught him doing something that really really really pissed me off."

Luffy began clenching his fists tightly, you reached out gently cupping his face. Your palms began to glow gold letting Luffys wound heal, "Well whatever happened. I'm sure you and Zoro could get through it after all you guys are best friends." Although you were giving Luffy's words of endearment they were going in one ear and out the other. I don't think we can get pass this one YN. You are the only thing I'm not giving up ... well you and becoming the next king of the pirates.

"You know you have really pretty eyes." Luffy says. He stared into those brown orbs of yours as if he could see your future together. Him as the king of pirates with you by his side and all of your little ones roaming around. You let out a small chuckle at his words while a smile graces your face your face, "Yes .. thank you but you tell me all the time how pretty they are."

Luffy's wounds were completely healed as you stood to your feet, giving your body a much needed stretch. "So I'm assuming we made it to Jaya?" You questioned, looking around the room you were held in. "Oh yeah we did, me and Zoro kind of burst our way out of the snake." Your head turns towards him, "What the hell were you two fighting about?"

Luffy's eyes dart around the room as he tries to come up with a lie, "Um ..." He starts. You fold your arms over your chest, "Luffy .. what happened?" You asked, in a stern tone. The straw hat darts over to you, "Okay .. look. I caught Zoro doing something to you." "Doing something to me? Like what?" You gasped, covering your body. His eyebrows furrowed into a scowl, "He claims he was sucking the poison out of you but to me it looked like something else. He had is face so close to your beautiful body and that's my job."

You mind starts to reminisce about what occurred in the belly of the snake, "Oh right I had that huge gash on my thigh." You casually say. Luffy starts to look confused, "What you aren't mad at him? He really pissed me off." "I'm sure it wasn't like that and what was he going to do let me die? ... again." "You should be mad your my girlfriend. I don't want another man with his mouth on you." He yelled.

You held a hand in the air, "Pause. Do not yell at me." "Your right. I'm sorry." Luffy quickly. "Yeah and another thing you're acting like you own me. I am your girlfriend not your personal thing to own." Luffys hands frantically wave around, "No that's not how I see you at all. It's just seeing him do something that you only do with me pissed me off. I don't want it look like I'm trying to own you." You let out a sigh, "I get that but you really have to work on your communication skills."

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