Chapter Twelve

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Your eyes peel open to a room with beaming sunlight shining through

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Your eyes peel open to a room with beaming sunlight shining through. "Ah .. fuck my head." You mumble. Slowly sitting up while your eyes adjust to the sun beams, the events of yesterday rush through your head. "Wait ... did Zoro fucking confess to me!?" You yell. The loud noise of your voice intensified the headache, "Thats the last thing I need."

Rising from the bed you stumble towards the restroom preparing to start your morning routine. After a short amount of time, you emerge out of the room making your way through Enel's castle. The sounds of plates clattering and people talking loudly causes the headache to grow even worse. "Miss YN! You're finally awake." Chopper yells, running over.

The small reindeer hugs your legs, "Whew Chopper can you be a little quieter. I have the worst headache." You say, wobbling over to the table. "Oh, you had a long night?" Luffy asked. "Why? You been in someone else's room?" You snap back. "No but someone was in yours." He said. The crew went silent for a second until Usopp broke it, "You know they have some good food here."

"Great isn't it." Robin adds, attempting to keep the peace. You could feel the anger bubbling up inside of you, "Were .. you fucking spying on me?" You questioned, standing to your feet. The sounds of the chair scrapping against the floor could be heard, "Mom Dad please don't fight." Nami pleads. Luffy stood to his feet, "I wasn't spying I was carefully watching from a distance." He explained.

A buzzer noise comes from your mouth, "Wrong! Thats the same thing." You stomp away out of the dining room with Luffy and the crew following behind. He reached out grabbing your wrist, "Let go." You yell, snatching it away. The crew peak their heads around the corner, "I feel like we should break this up." Chopper whispers. "And risk getting a seed shoved down my mouth no thanks." Usopp says.

"He has a point." Robin adds. "Agreed." Everyone says in unison. "Answer me YN. I know what I saw." Luffy yelled. "No what you saw was a misunderstanding like always. And don't fucking yell at me." You snapped back. "And I'm just supposed to believe nothing happened between you two." "Yes you dummy. Thats how trust in relationships work." You yelled.

The crew watched the exchange until Zoro walked up with a mouth filled with food unaware of whats going on. "What the hell are you guys watching?" He asked. The crew gasped, "Look at what you caused you Moss Monster." Sanji says. Zoro peaks his head around the corner to see what problem he could've caused. "You know maybe coming here was a mistake." You say.

Your body was exhausted, the headache was growing worse by the second, "What do you mean a mistake?" Luffy questioned. "This .. all of this Luffy." "Wait .. what are you trying to say." He whispered. "I think I need a .. break." You whispered. Sniffles could be heard coming from the strawhat, "L-like a break from all the adventures. We can stay here for as long as you want."

"No .. I mean a break from us." You spoke. Tears start to trickle down his face, "Wait .. I'm sorry. Just please lets just talk this out." Luffy says. Tears start to flow from your eyes as well, "I - I don't think that's going to help. I need some time to myself." You say, running off. Luffy hung his head down, "Oh man. This is bad." Usopp says. "Mom. Dad. Our little family is broken up." Nami dramatically cried.

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