This Is The Part Where You Run

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Pov Alexia:

I was sitting next to Landon looking at my feet and listening to music, while we waited for Rafeal to be done. Hector and Maria basically forced him to go to this church to confess his sins, although me and Lan told him it's stupid he went anyway. here I am waiting, not even noticing Landon is no longer next to me. I only look up when I see someone stand infront of me.

The girl in front of me is saying something but I can't hear her, instead I look at her she's beautiful. I must have been staring to long because she carefully takes off my headphone. 

"We have to go" the girl in front of me said. 

I was confused by this and when I looked next to me I saw that Landon was no longer there.    "Where is my brother?" I said starting to worry.

 "Brother?" the girls said well it sounded more like a question.

 "Yeah my brother Landon" I said and she extanded her hand to me.

 "He's in the car waiting" she said, with that I took her hand and got up.

 "Are you sure you're not just going to kidnap me"I said partly joking.

The girl didn't say anything else, instead she pointed toward the car where I saw Landon and Rafeal. I quickly got in and slapped his arm. "oww what was that for" Landon complaint.

 "For walking away you idiot, why are we even in this car with these strangers" I asked him.

 "I can't really expain it, but you'll see" I give him a confused look

 "Besides she's not a stranger, that's Hope Mikealson" he said I didn't care I don't know them.

Great i'm in a car going who knows where with landon's crush who I have to admit is beautiful, which I didn't expect. of course he talked my ears off about the Hope Mikaelson, but I didn't expect her to be the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. now you may think i'm being dramatic, but it's true she has these bright blue eyes, a pretty smile, auburn hair and she is pretty short i'd say about five foot three. if you'd ask me I would tell you she's perfect, of course that's the outside for what I know she could be a bitch. it doesn't really matter anyway, I don't let people in that is the way you get hurt.

"are you coming" Landon said to me. 

I didn't realize how long I must have been thinking about hope when I see we are at some school. I got out of the car and look around me to see this building what I guess is a school.

 "welcome to the salvatore school, we're your tour guides" a blond girl said "I'm josie" a brunett said "I'm lizzie" the blond said.

as ussual I ignore them when I hear my name being said. landon is already ahead with Hope and Alaric. Alaric is this older guy who I found out his name was when he introduced himself to us. I quickly catch up with them not wanting to get lost here. 

While we walk through the school Alaric asks some questions, but i'm to distrated by everything happening around me I forget to answer. Landon on the other hand answers for us. we walk into what I assume is his office. did I just hear that right did he say magic. 

"We are a school for the supernatural." Alaric said. 

"Everyone here has something that makes them special, in ways that the outside world wouldn't understand."

 "so what are you" Landon says to Hope, which Hope answers to "I should get to class."

 "no, no sorry. I don't mean to be a dick but we don't know you" he directs at Alaric

 I interfere "and I don't know why I'm here so, I need you" Hope gave me a questionable look probably because I actually hadn't said a single word to her yet. "Just tell me what all that was back at the church last night."

"what do you think happened" she asks you

 "I don't know I didn't see anything neither did I hear anything" I answered honestly looking into those gorgeous blue eyes.

 "either I've lost my mind or werewolves are real" Landon interupted. 

"Werewolves that's so cool" you mumbled, but quickly regret it as you see Hope and Alaric looking at eachother.

 "This is beyond insane, how is that even possible." Landon said sounding a bit angry.

pov Hope: 

Alaric is curently questioning Landon and i'm not sure what her name is. she said she was Landon's sister not that I knew he had one neither do they look anything alike. I'm not really paying attention to Alaric even though I probably should, but the girl she is just so pretty. I stare at her for a while when I'm taken back from my thoughts by her speaking up 

"yeah you could just as easy be reading my file, that's what life is out there for people like us." she said sounding angry and frustrating

 "I know it's a lot to take in but we're only trying to help." I said trying to keep her calm. 

"This school it's a safe place for people like Rafeal, it's a home." 

"But if we take him in, we need to make sure that he is not a threat." alaric said making the girl look even more angry. 

"He's not a threat, my Brother would never hurt anyone" the girl almost yelled. Landon grabbed her hand I can see it calms her down.

"His girlfriend, cassie" Landon said "last month, he was driving, there was a storm, he took a turn to fast."  landon explained everything that happened to us. 

"Thank you for that, Landon." Alaric said and now turned to me "Hope."

 I walked to them and looked into the girl eyes and said "Everything's gonna be okay, I promise." 'she has pretty eyes' I thought to myself

 "we're ready" Alaric says

Mg walked into the room and Alric started to introduce them "Landon and Alexia kirby, Milton Greasley." so that's her name, Alexia I like it.  

"Come on dr.Saltzman." Mg said 

"Right sorry MG."

 I spoke up "he's also a vampire" 

which they both reacted to at the same time "Of course he is." said Landon and Alexia said "Sick." 

MG stood in front of them and started to compel them "forget everything you've seen or learned since last night. All you need to know is that your friend has found a home where he can live a better life. you'll miss him, but you know it's for the best."

after the compulsion Landon spoke up "Are you two out of your minds?" "How could I forget any of this?" Landon looked angry at us 

"MG did you do it wrong?" I ask MG "No, I didn't do it wrong. It's the easiest vampire trick in the books." he answers  

"Well it didn't work" I say annoyed 

"Obviously, it didn't work."

 Landon goes walking towards the door when MG stops him, knocking him out. "Careful" Alaric said.

 "What the fuck is happening, where am I, What are you doing to Landon." Alexia says and we all look up to her. "Get him to the cellar, Hope stay with Alexia, this is not good. this is bad." I watch as MG and Alaric take Landon out of the office and probably put him in a cellar.

Alexia looks at me and I can see the fear in her eyes. "who are you"

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