It's christmas?

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Pov Alexia: 

I wake up to loud laughter, which is unusual. I get out of bed and get dressed before opening the curtains and to my shock it's snowing outside. The entire ground is covered in snow and everyone is either having a snowbal fight or playing in the snow. I chuckle before going outside myself, joining in on the fight with Kaleb and pedro.

I sign to pedro to throw it now and it hits the back of Kaleb's head. "Hey, no fair, I wasn't even looking." He complains and as he does I throw a snowbal at him. I highfive Pedro and Kaleb let's out a laugh. "Okay, I see." Kaleb makes a snowbal with his hands and throws it our way. 

Only we both dodge the snowbal coming our way, it goes over our heads so the both of us laugh and highfive again. That was until Kaleb's face turned serious, making us both turn around to find out it hit Hope. Let's just say she doesn't look too impressed by it. 

"Kaleb, Alexia, What the hell is going on?" She asks as she comes our way. I simply avoid looking at her and so does Pedro. "Don't be a scrooge, Hope. It's christmas."

"No. It's october."

"Christmas is a state of mind." Kaleb says as he adjusts the scarf around his neck. The scarf around his neck reminds me of the fact I should've put on a jacket as i'm freezing. Not many people were wearing jackets, so I must be one of the few people that get's cold easily. "Now you feeling it?"He puts his arm around her but she immediately slaps it away. "I'm definitely feeling something."

"Take this, I don't want you to get sick." She puts her jacket around me and I thought about not taking it, but i'm simply too cold. "Thanks." I mumble. 

"Hopey, it's christmas so stop with that sour face and enjoy yourself." 

Pov Hope: 

"It's like everyone in the school is happy except for us. Too happy. Like scary happy. Merry, even. They all think that it's christmas and the snow probably doesn't help."

She immediately got up to look out the window. "It's snowing, how?"

"Uh, another monster, i'm guessing."

"This is terrible news. It's freaking fall. Not winter. What am I gonna wear?" Lizzie says as she goes through her clothes. "Something to travel in? I'm gonna need you to hit the road." 

"You want me to quest for bird boy, don't you. I thought the monsters weren't after him now."

"We don't know what they want or even who they're working for anymore... I just need Landon to be safe." She exhales loudly as she sits down next to me. "Fine, a little locator spell and then off I go.."

"Thank you."

Pov Alexia:

When I entered the kitchen I find Josie with cookies and let me tell you those cookies look delicious. "Cookie?" Josie holds out the plate of cookies to me. "Uhm, Yea!" I take a bite of the cookie and it tastes even better than it looks.

"this is like really good, u have some talent sunshine."

"That's good to know, i'm on my way now. I've got a peace offering to make."

A peace offering... That's brilliant, I should've thought about that myself. It's christmas, my favorite day of the year. I always loved christmas, it's the one day that our family actually felt normal and peacefull. 

I knock on my sisters door and she opened it with a not so happy expression on her face. "What do you want, Alexia?"

"Soph, you gotta come out everyone is having fun without you."

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