useless human

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Pov Alexia: 

"So it's like an infection. It gets worse as it spreads. Stage one, it lowers your inhibitions. It makes you act out of character. Stage two, once you're susceptible to suggestion, you'll do whatever the slug wants. Till stage three, you go the way of the unicorn." Dorian explains to us how the next monster works. 

"Did you see this? Parts of this thing look bioluminescent." Hope says as she watches the dead slug closely. "Let me check that out." Dorien grabs a light from his bag and shines it at the dead slug. "Whoa." me and Hope both say at the same time, as it lights up. Dorien shines the light at Hope and the slug trail is very visible now. "I don't wanna know, do I?" She asks and we both shake our heads. "Absolutely not." I tell her and she nods her head. "You know what, we can use these lights to find anyone that has been infected." Dorien hands us both a light.

We walk through the school until we find multiple slug trails. "this is why I hate sci fi." Hope says as we watch the trails go all the way up to the ceiling. "That is so disgusting." I say before we go follow this gross trail only to find more disgusting little slugs. We follow it all the way to the talent show. "We need to find a way to deslug whosever is infected, fast." 

"When I touched the switch to the kitchen vent, it shocked me, that's when the slug came out." Please don't remind me that was absolutely gross. "Great, so we just have to find a way to electrocute every student in the school without killing them." Just as I said it my mind went to Landon and Raffie, what if they're infected too. "If we don't, they're dead anyway. I'm gonna call Ric." Dorien sighs as he leaves us. 

There's a loud applause and the next act comes on stage. "My name is Rafeal, and my talent is spoken word poetry." Everyone snaps their fingers and me and Hope watch as he starts his talent. "Stillness. A light breaks inside. Unity. and devision. Tension." Why would anyone do this to themselves it's just straight up embarrassment. "This is why I don't like talent shows." I tell Hope and it seems Raffie has seen us as our eyes lock. 

"Three siblings brought up together. Then one's left behind cause he's no longer needed. Violence inside of me. Inside, i'm, i'm bleeding. And I can't believe what i'm feeling." I look at Hope and it seems she was already looking my way. "What's he talking about?" She asks me confused, I don't answer her but just listen to Raffie again. "Since the moment you danced with me. Buried so deep, rising up, enchanting me. And it won't go away. And I was never jealous of anything that you had, until today. And why is that artifact here? Monsters coming, people running. Ask for answers. Always nothing." Me and Hope share a look, both understanding what's happening when all of a sudden they all stand up. "I say we get rid of it." Raffie says with his eyes glowing a bright green. 

"So they're all infected." We both back out off the door as they all come our way. Hope does one of her spells to shut the door. "That should hold the pod people out for now. Let's go."  As we make our way to Dorien I keep thinking of Rafs words, why would he be jealous of me. "I sealed the doors with a spell, but it won't hold forever." 

"Okay, these chains should help until we come up with a better solution. I'll get the doors downstairs." He hands Hope the chains and goes downstairs. "At least we have all the infected people in one place." That's great except for the fact they'll drop dead like the unicorn if we don't help them, that's a lot of cleaning up if they all die. "What are you two doing out here?" We both turn around to be faced to Lizzie and Landon. "You take Lizzie, i'll take Landon?" Hope asks me and I nod. "Absolutely." We chain both of them up.

"Have you two gone crazy?" Lizzie asks us. "No, but clearly you have, ur hanging out with, him." I say looking between the two, how did this even happen. "You've both been infected with mind controlling parasites. That's why you've been so nice all day." I grab the flashlight and shine it at her looking at her nose and ears. "I don't see any slug trails." I say looking back at hope. "Hey, what are you freaks talking abou- Oww." 

"What was that?" I ask her as I move on to Landon, now shining the light at him. "Un chain  me and maybe I will tell you, you useless human." She gasps in pain again. "I don't think she's infected." I mumble and take a look at Landon again, he also seems to not be infected. "Then why are you acting so weird?"

"I'm not acting weird, i'm turning over a new leaf. With this.... I spelled it to zap me whenever I said anything mean." I scoff looking down at the bracelett on her wrist. "You must have gotten zapped a lot, princess." Hope grabs my hand letting me know I should shut up. "Worst idea ever." Lizzie says sighing.

"No, that's genius. That's why there's no slug in her, she's been zapping herself." Hope tells me and she points for me to un chain Landon as she does Lizzie. "What were you even doing out here, I thought you had such an important talent show to win." Wow, maybe she is turning me into a bitch. "I was looking for Josie, she's been acting weird all day and then she just bailed on the performance.... Probably because she's infected." 

"We have to find her, now." Hope says and I nod. "Let's go find sunshine." I say looking between Lizzie and Hope only to notice the look on Hopes face. "You're not coming, you have been close enough to this already. Ale you... you." I shake my head knowing what she means by that. "I'm not like you, I don't have the magic you do. I'm not stupid, Hope." I shake my head walking off before I say something i'll regret later. 

I make my way to our room and I just can't believe that's really how she feels about me, it's like Lizzie said. I'm just a useless human. I don't belong in this school. I decide it's best for me to just stay here and read, because I really don't wanna see that stupid talent show.  

I must have been tired because when I opened my eyes I saw Hope doing her hair. I must have fallen alseep a while ago, I don't remember going to sleep so that must be it. "Hi. So it took me three showers, but I think i'm finally clean." Hope says smiling at me and I nod looking around the room. "You missed one hell of a performance, Josie sang." 

"I didn't think humans would be allowed." I say looking directly at her. "Is that why me and Landon weren't infected, because we're just useless humans?" I ask her and she sighs. "Ale, you're not useless and you're not human either." I don't get it, why does she keep saying that. "What makes you think i'm not, we've tried your stupid magic it didn't work, because i'm not supernaturel or whatever. I don't understand where you got that from." She sits down next to me and she has a soft look in her eyes. "Because Ale, you're a claire. There's only one other person of your family left... my aunt." 

"What if the magic died with my mum, she's no witch." I ask her tears in my eyes. I know I shouldn't be sad, because it's not like something is missing, I never had it to begin with. But ever since Hope told me about me being a witch we have been trying do some spells but nothing has worked. Now I just feel as if i'm letting her down. "I lied.... About my letter." She's talking about Landon's letter. "Landon is the reason we let you stay, he told us about something you did. Ale, you have already done magic. You didn't realize but you did it." I shake my head not believing it, if I had done anything like that I would've known. 

"Maybe your mother isn't a witch, but that does not mean you aren't. Magic works in ways that we can't always explain, all I know is that you are not a useless human." She wipes away my tears and kisses my head. "You're my amazing witch girlfriend, who has yet to find her way." I smile knowing she still believes even though I gave up. "You and me are going to keep trying until we get the results we want, even if it takes months." I nod pulling her into a hug, holding her close. "Thank you, Hope." 

"So I was acting ridiculous all day." Hope says bursting out laughing. "Maybe a little." I make a hand gesture with it and laugh with her. "And you were a bitch to Lizzie, I didn't know you were such a meany." I chuckle at this knowing it's absolutely true. "Well, someone has to stand their ground with that girl. Besides she is always mean to you, so i'm just protecting what's mine." She laughs before pulling me into a kiss, it's yet another day with a happy ending. 

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