May I have this dance

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Pov Alexia: 

I wake up to the room filled with sunlight. I sit up in bed to see Hope looking out the window. I take this as my chance and take my camera out of my bag and take a quick picture of her. "What are you doing?" she asks me chuckling and I take another pictures as she looks really pretty right now. "I'm taking a picture, you looked really cute so I had to capture the moment." I tell her putting my camera away and put my focus back on her. "I promise i'll show them to you some other time but right now i'm heading down for breakfast, you joining me?" 

"Sure, but i'm warning you. It'll be all about the saltzman twins, it's their birthday or as I would say the worst day of my year." Okay to my opinion that's a bit dramatic. "I didn't know it was their birthday, I would've got Jo something." I should probably go by her room later today to wish her a happy birthday. "Why do you hate them so much, I mean Lizzie I understand but Jo she's nothing but pure joy." I hear her scoff at that. "Sounds like you have some crush on Josie." If only she knew who I really liked. "You jealous there, mikaelson?" She doesn't answer me and instead heads out the door, that's weird. 

 I followed her down to breakfast and damn that girl is a fast walker, or i'm just slow but in my defence I was never really into any sports I liked it more to just admire from as far away as possible. As I try my best to catch up to her I bumb into someone, I quickly grab their waist to stop them from falling. "I am so sorry." I apologize before realising who it is, by now i'm sure people were watching our interaction. "Oh my god, Jo happy birthday!" I hug her tighly. "Hey, I actually meant to ask you this yesterday. but are you coming to mine and Lizzie's party tonight?" I didn't have to think about it twice. "Huh, of course. I wouldn't want to miss it." The only thing I didn't realize when I said it was that I do not have anything nice to wear. 

"Great i'll see you there." She says before leaving and you could tell she was excited about the party. I watch her walk away and someone put their hand on my shoulder. "You coming?" Hope asks me and I nod following behind her. As we sat and ate our breakfast we were just talking until she came back to the topic from this morning. "So I saw you and Josie hug, was I right about you liking her." As she says this I laugh, I like her but as a friend only. "I'm more into girls with blue eyes." I tell her looking into the blue eyes i've fallen in love with over the last few days. "So you like Lizzie then, the queen of this school." I honestly didn't even know Lizzie had blue eyes, I guess I hadn't noticed. 

"Yea, it's always been my dream to be her mean princess." I say gigling, if I know anything it is that she is not my type. I like the nice type a lot more. "Okay, maybe not Lizzie but I will find out who you like." She tells me and is she really just blind or does she really just not like me. "Well, let me know when you find her." I tell her looking into her eyes being fully aware they're the blue ones I was talking about. "I, um, spoke to Raf. I'm gonna teach him some dance moves, you also need some lessons or can you dance." Why would Raffie need dance lessons from Hope, I know he kinda sucks at it but he never cared before. "I wouldn't say i'm the best, but i'm not bad either. Why does Raffie even need your help." 

"He is Lizzie's date for tonight, so he needs to be able to escort her and I just so happen to have an aunt who's been around for centuries and this is totally her thing." She tells me like it's the most normal thing ever, I guess it sort of is for her. I'm still getting used to the fact that vampires live a long life. "Right, thanks but i'm good. I wish you goodluck with Raffie and i'll see you at that party." 

"I don't think you will, i'm not going." She tells me and now i'm a bit sad cause I was really hoping to see her there. "I forgot, you're a lone wolf. Here I was hoping to see some of those dance moves you say you have." She laughs not knowing I was being serious. "Maybe think about swinging by the party, you never know what the night would look like if you don't." I tell her before getting up and heading towards my room to find something to wear, when I see a dress on my bed with a little note laying on top of it. 'Thought you might need something for the party' I smile at the note knowing who wrote it, Jo really is a friend who thinks about everyone.

unexpected love | Hope mikaelsonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ