Some People Just Want To Watch The World Burn

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pov Alexia: 

I'm sitting on the bus with Landon drawing in my sketch book, when Landon pulls out this knife.

"What the fuck Lan, where did you get that." I whisper yelled at him whilst I look at the knife.

"I,I don't know it was just there." Me and Landon both look at it as it starts to glow. "Well what's it doing now." I ask starting to get scared.

"How would I know." Landon starts to stress. I Know something isn't right, Landon was lying to me, he knows something.  

Landon grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the bus. Some woman behind us burning the bus with the people along with it, she holds her hand up as if she wants something from us.

"She wants the knife." Landon told me.

"So give it to her!" I yell at Landon, but Instead he runs dragging me along with him. 

We ran through the woods for what felt like hours to me, untill we knew for sure we had lost her and we found this root cellar where we dicided to hide out. 

"Why are you keeping stuff from me Lan." I ask now more angry than I've ever been at him. "I only want what's best for you Ale." he tells me in a calm voice whilst I am still yelling at him. "If you really wanted what is best for me you'd tell me what the fuck is happening. What is so bad you have to lie to me." by the way he looks at me I can tell he feels bad. "Can't you just trust me on this, you don't want to know." he tells me

 "Trusting you is what got me here in the first place, you dragged us into this." After I said those words I immediatly regretted it. "And i'm so sorry for that Ale I panicked." 

"It's fine , i'm sorry,  I shoudn't have lashed out on you like that, I just want to get out of here that's all."

we've been sitting here for a while now. we are spending the night in the root cellar, just to make sure nobody is out there. but when I tell you it's cold I mean it is freezing.

"Here take my jacket, you're shivering" he said to me offering me his jacket. "I'm fine Lan, you need it yourself." I say but he puts it around me anyway and pulls me close to him. "Just take it okay, don't fight me on this."I nod knowing I won't win this battle, shortly after that I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep. 

Pov Hope: 

I told Rafeal he had three minutes to talk to Landon and Alexia, but I obviously lied. I barge into the root cellar. "Then who was it?" I ask and they all look at me 

"You said three minutes." 

"Like I said people lie." I started a spell on Landon that send him flying against the wall. "Where is the knife?" I ask him.

"Who the fuck is she Landon, do you know her?" I hear Alexia her voice, it doesn't sound like she remembers me. "I don't have it. I must've lost it when we ran." I don't believe him. "After you burned the bus."

 "That wasn't me, I swear. we barely got out alive." I still don't believe him he's obviously lying to me.  "Last chance. who the hell was it?" I askhim one last time. "There was this girl." Landon started explaining what happened while Alexia sits in the corner with her head in her hands. 

"I don't believe a word you're saying."  I say to him after he had finished telling me about this fire breathing woman. 

"You have every right to be mad at me, but I am telling you the truth."

 I was about to react to that when Alexia spoke up "You're right she does man, you stole from them?"  I watch as she finally looks up and gives him a disappointing look. "I'm sorry, I know he's a dick, but he isn't lying the lady burned the bus." she said looking me in the eyes. 'god I love those eyes' I thought.

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