dying all over again

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"I'm thinking we could go into town, maybe go by the mystic grill, I know you absolutely love that place... Oh and we can get you your favorite, peanut butter blast with whipped cream on the bottem." Alexia brought up her idea for today as she braided her hair. 

"Yeah, but we do things I like a lot so let's do something you like... We can go to that bookstore, it's been a while since we went and after we can go by the art shop." Hope suggested a different idea. The idea alone made Alexia's face lit up, she loved the idea as it were their mixed interests. 

"Hmm, love that... Today will be our off day together."

"Are you sure Alaric is okay with us going off compus?"

"Yup, his exact words were 'one day off is the least I can give you two for what you went through' So I guess he didn't really mind."

"Okay, well let's get out off here before he decides to chance his mind." Hope said holding out her hand for Alexia, who gladly took it intertwining their fingers. 

The two walked through mystic falls hand in hand, enjoying being close to each other. 

"So uhm, I was thinking you could maybe move back into our room. It is pretty empty without you in it, but only if you want of course."

"That would be great and I'm not just saying that because of Alyssa Chang." Hope mentioning Alyssa made Alexia laugh. She knew Hope hated the way Alyssa treated her, like that one time she was making out with Jed on her bed instead of her own. "You should call me a hero for saving you from the evil queen Alyssa."

"I thought the evil queen was Lizzie?"

"Well, She's technically my cousin remember." Alexia frowned saying it. Something about being related to the twins still didn't quite sit right with her and that isn't because she dated one of them. "It still feels weird to say it."

"Because you two dated? and Kissed?"

"No, I mean sure, but it's not that... Even now that I know the truth they don't feel like my family, I don't know anything about that family so I don't feel a part of it." 

"Does that upset you?"

"Not really, is that weird?"

"No." Hope said shaking her head. In a way she understood, she knew what it felt like to have a weird family. She grew up with her mother dating other man and there was a period where she stayed with her aunt. Marcel wasn't blood related, but he still was like family to her growing up. 

"Uhg, come on you lazy ass, let's go in I wanna find a new book." Alexia gave Hope a quick peck on the lips before running off into the bookstore. By the time Hope made it into the store, Alexia had already managed to get into conversation with the owner, Owen. Owen and his wife had owned the store for more than 30 years now and al though it's an old store it was very homey. Alexia loved to come here, because they were always very welcoming. 

"Hey Owen." Hope said as she joined them. "No Jane today?" His wife's name is Jane, she's usually with him. 

"She's babysitting the grandbaby's, their mum had to go to the dentist."

"Eww, I hate the dentist." Alexia commented making a disgusting face. "Luckily for me i've got perfect teeth." Alexia showed of her teeth and the other two laughed at the action. 

"How have you girls been? Are you still doing well in school?"

"Oh she's a smarty pants, she's like a literal genius and i've got no idea how she does it Owen.." Alexia said looking at Hope. "I think she must be cheating."

unexpected love | Hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now