I'll love you either way

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Pov Alexia: 

Two days ago

By the time I got back to the school Hope was already peacefully asleep in my bed. I carefully get into the bed and as soon as my back hits the mattress I feel her arm around me. Hope lays her head on my chest and I put my arm around her. "Goodnight love." I kiss her head before I close my eyes. 


The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was draw, I sat by the window with my sketch book in hand and some music in my ears. occasionally I would look back to my girl who's still asleep. Part of me still wonders why she ever chose a girl like me, so lost and broken and most of all a liar. No matter how you put it, each day just adds up and at what point do you tell the truth. That's what i've been thinking all morning, when will I tell the girl I love the truth. 

Within days one innocent lie turned to a lot more. Not intentionally of course, but that's not going to make it any better. I want to tell her everything and I will talk to her about at least one of the few things, but i'm afraid that when I tell her where I really come from she'll leave. Who'd wanna be with the daughter of a sociopath, who might turn out just like him. Not to mention the fact that I already am experiencing anger issues, I can only imagine my dad used to have them too. 

My dad... I don't even know if I should refer to him as dad. After all he is simply a name and blood related, I have no such conection with him and all I know of him is through books and people. 

Kai Parker was an afwul human being, but an even worse dad. I get that during his time in the prison world it didn't give him a chance to get to know me, but when he was stood in front of me he had that chance and he never took it. I suppose the difference between me and Hope is that even when our dad's both are murderers hers was still a good man. He cared soo much about her even when he couldn't be there for her and in the end he gave up his life to save hers. 

I get pulled from my thoughts when I hear her move. "Morning love." I put down my sketch book and turn to her now giving my full attention to her. "How come you are up before me, you never are?"

I shrug.

 "Too much on my mind." She sits up and has a concerned look on her face. "Does this have anything to do with the other day, did Kai say something to you?" Yes, yes he did. "No."

"Are you sure, you're acting a bit weird?"

"I'm fine I-" I get cut off by the speakers. "Attention, students. Please make your way to morning assembly." Well I guess i'm saved by the speakers.

We both got to the assembly and whilst Hope sat with Raffie and Landon I sat behind them with Sophia. 

"I know you are all worried. Believe me, no one is more worried than I am. My daughter Josie is still missing. But even as I speak, we're doing everything we can to find her... We will find her and bring her home." 

I look at Sophia not being told about any of this before now, I had no idea Josie was even missing. "Under no circumstance should any of you approach her. While she is our family and friend, she is under the influence of black magic and.. not herself. I promise I will get through to her and bring back the old Josie we all know and love, but first we just have to find her."

As he finishes his speech the doors fly open revealing Josie wearing an entire black outfit. "I'm right here, dad." Josie says coming down the stairs. "Well, don't look so shocked. Did you really think I would miss my birthday? oh, i'm sorry, our birthday... So, what did I miss?"

"What the hell happened to her?" I whisper in my sisters ear. "She broke the sandclock."  I knew that already from Hope but she seemed normal afterwards. "We have to get back the old Josie." Sophia whispers to me and I could see the sadness in her eyes. "We will."

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