Let's just finish this dance

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Pov Alexia: 

As I was looking for my brother I once again found Sophia with Josie, only this time it wasn't just laughter it's dancing. Sophia is Jo's escort, this girl is just unbelievable. 

I go outside and see my brother sitting on a small stone wall drinking out of a bottle. "What you got there, bro." I ask grabbing the bottle out of his hands and taking a sip myself. "huh, champagne. Not bad." 

"So, what sorrows are you drowning?"

"I came back from the dead. In a.. In a burst of flames. And you'd think that would urn a guy a couple days to feel special, but the irony of this place is that special is just normal here." He's not wrong, if you hadn't been there you would not know he even died. I keep on drinking as I listen to him. "And and Hope, she lied to me... to to us." In shock I almost choke on the champagne. "You must be mistaken, Hope would never lie."

"Penelope park told me we met my mum, but we have no memories from any of it. She told me Hope has been keeping that day from me and from you. She knows who my mother is, Ale."  

"Landon, i'm sorry. I know there's nothing I can say or do to make up for what she did, but I promise you I had no idea." I say leaning towards him, letting my head rest on his shoulder. "That are my sorrows, what about you? You don't drink Alexia, what's going on?" He asked me putting his arm around me. "The devil has come to ruin my life once again."

"Who, Sophia?" He asks me and I nod. "Today, everywhere I went I saw her. Why can't I just have this one thing for myself, why does she always have to come and ruin it." I say with tears rolling down my cheeks. "What are you gonna do?" He asks me looking down at me as I look up at him. "I don't know, Lan. She's already been talking about me, I don't know what she'll do next." 

We stayed like that for a little and we kept drinking and I must say I do feel tipsy from all the champagne we drank.

"We'll figure it out, together." He says getting up, holding out his hand for me. "I wanna see you shine." I laugh at him and take his hand. "One problem, I gave my spot to my liar girlfriend." I gasp. "Now I have to escort her knowing she's lying to me all the time." Landon pushes me towards the school doors. 

"There you are, where have you been?" Hope asks me as I stand next to her. "With Landon." I answer her shortly looking down at the other contestants to avoid eye contact. "Have you been drinking?" She asks me but I ignore her. "What is up with you, Ale?" She asks me and I snap, i'm so done with everyone right now. "A lot, okay. If I wanted to talk about it I would have, but I don't so respect that!" I say raising my voice at her. 

It's Hopes turn and we do the whole walking down the stairs thing and the dance started right after. As we were doing the dance I see my sister and Josie on our left. "Why are you keeping things from me, Ale?" She says during our dance. "I'm not the one who's been keeping secrets, Hope. You're the liar here." I say. 

"You know I wouldn't do that." She says and in this moment I just wanna walk away, but I know I can't I have to finish the dance. "Don't bother, penelope told Landon we met his mother." I can see that she's trying to think of something to say. "Oh and um, it's a beautiful dress. Your dad had some good taste." I say as the dance ends. At this point we're both in tears, both for a complete different reason. "May I have your attention please. Without furthur ado, it is my honor to announce our very own miss mystic falls. From the salvatore school, miss Hope Mikaelson." 

I take this as my chance to leave and I go and walk away from Hope. As I was wondering through the hallways I see Penelope with a suitcase. "Are you leaving?" I ask her curious. "I am, I know you'll miss me the most." 

"Maybe, a little. Now there will be no one but me to stand against Lizzie." I say and she chuckles. "You're a good one Alexia, I'll maybe miss you a little." I laugh at her knowing she probably doesn't mean that. "Well, for what it's worth. Thank you for telling Landon the truth, he deserved that." Even if i'm curious how she knows I appreciate her sharing. "You both did." 

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