Looking for Landon kirby

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Pov Alexia: 

Me and Hope are sneaking out of the school and just as we were about to go to the door. "You girls going somewhere?" Fuck he caught us, we turn around walking away from the door. "Better questions, where the hell do you think you're going with my keys and without telling me?" I don't know what to say to that, i'm at a loss for words right now. "Um, you know. I just said some really harsh things to you yesterday, and so I just wanted to get you an oil change as a peace offering." Hope makes up and he scoffs not believing a word she just said. "At 3 am. Hope you don't have a drivers license. You were gonna commit grand theft auto, which is a felony. You're ditching school right before the midterm exams begin and again Alexia is being involved in it, and you've made it very clear to me that you see me as an authority figure and nothing more. So tell me why shouldn't I suspend you both this very second?" Man this guy is a bitch and that at 3 am. 

"Well first of all I just like spending time with Hope and secondly look at that." I point to Hopes wrist, she pulls her sleeves up revealing the glowing bracelet or compas I don't really know what it is. "And what is that." He asks us confused looking at the glowing thing. "It's basically a supernatural compass." She lowers her arm. "Well, I hope it's pointing you to your room, Cause that's where you're going." Hope immediately cut him off after he said that. "We're going after Landon. If this thing is glowing, that means that he's in trouble." Hope explains and all I could think about is Landon, the thought of losing him is enough for me to kill whoever hurt him. "Then we're going, and i'm driving."

So that's how I ended up on a litte road trip with dr.saltzman and Hope. Little did I know, stepping into a car with the both of them would be my worst nightmare, the two and their bickering might be worst then Lizzie saltzman in the morning. eighteen and a half hour later we're finally stopping. "Is this the place?" I ask Hope looking at the house we stopped in front of. "Yup, and not a moment too soon. Pretty sure you were about to tell me how babies are made." I chuckle at her comment and take of my seatbelt. "Hey, before we go in there, I just want to make sure we're clear." 

"Don't worry, we're crystal." I open my door and both their heads shot back at me. "Alexia you stay in the car till we know it's safe." dr.saltzman tells me and I cannot believe this man, his old ass gets to go and I don't. "Are you kidding me? That could be my brother in there." I try and reason with him but they both give me a stern look. "Stay." He says demanding and I nod knowing I won't win this one, even if they're wrong. I can take care of myself perfectly fine. 

So here I am waiting for them to do their thing and go in there. It didn't take long for them to walk out of there with annoyed looks on there faces and no Landon which only makes me think of the worst. "Where's Landon?" I ask them as they get back into the car. "Wrong House, they tricked us." Hope says showing me Landons bracelet. "So what now?" I ask them getting more worried by the second. "I could do a locator spell with his bracelet." Hope says and she goes to do just that which is what gets us back on the road again. 

She did the locator spell but all it got us was more trouble as we drive right at a house that's surrounded with people. We get out of the car going to talk to a guy who was looking at us. "Hey can I help you?" He asks us politely. "Yeah, I hope so. Say what's going on here?" Alaric asks and this man answered a bit to fast to my liking. "Gas leak. Don't worry, though, we have it under control. You wouldn't happen to know who lives here, would you? We tried knocking but no one's home." I know who lives there, probably the person who kidnapped my brother. "Um, we're looking for." Hope started but was cut of by dr.saltzman. "The highway." Hope gives him a weird look. "See, we're lost, and we. Well, we saw you guys, and we thought we'd ask for directions." Good one oldie, he might actually fall for that one. "Yeah, at the end of the road, make a right. Can't miss it." 

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