You don't have to be afraid of me

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pov Alexia:

I asked the girl "who are you?"

she looked like she was thinking before she answered me "I'm Hope, but you don't have to afraid of me."

I look at her in disbelief "How can you say that when you literally just knocked my brother out" I said to the girl. She takes a step forward so I take a step back.

"How did I come here." the girl looked at me but didn't answer. "Tell me!" I yell getting angry.

"We uhm, we found you and your brother at the church." she says "I guess you must have been tired you slept through most of it" 'god she's beautiful' I thought to myself, even though I know it's not the right time for that. 

"Why is Landon not here who are you people, you gonna hurt us or something?"

"I would never hurt you or Landon, I only want to help you." she says and for some reason I believe her.

pov Hope:

I can see her relax at those words and I think she is starting to trust me. I don't know why but I like the idea of her trusting me "Can I see Landon?" she asked me

I sigh knowing she can't. he's down in the werewolf transition cellar waiting until the vervain is out of his system. "Not yet, sorry."

"Can I at least get out of here, please" she asked looking me directly in the eyes.

'god those eyes' I thought and I know I shouldn't, she's not alowed to leaves this room "sure, but we'll go to my room that's the best I can give you." 'shit, Alaric is gonna kill me' I think to myself but she nodded and slowly followed behind me.

I open the door to my room and let her walk in before me. I see her look around the room a smile slowly forming on her face. "you're into art I see, I like it." she said complimenting my newest painting that I had just finsished yesterday. I see her look at some other paintings I did.

"thanks, are you into art yourself?" I ask her, for some reason wanting to know more about this girl. "yeah, although I draw don't really paint" she answers me

"Is that your family" she asks directing to the wall that has some pictures on it.

"Uhm yeah some of them"

"Must suck not being able to see them because of school. I know I couldn't survive a day without Raffie and Landon."

I was a bit taken back with what she said, she obviously wouldn't know that they died. "It does, I miss them very much." I lied to her, well half of it is a lie I do really miss them. Before she could say anything else Alaric barged into the room and gave me an angry look while Alexia looked at me confused.

pov Alexia:

I wake up in a room that I have never seen before but it kinda looks like a cellar. A very small cellar may I add. I slowly remember what happened before. I see landon sitting on the ground and when he hears me move he immediatly comes over to me and hugs me.

"What's happening where are we, are we gonna die" I ask him worried to which he answers with "Hope called it a werewolf transition space, said we have to stay till some urb is out of our system."

"These people are crazy Lan, that old fuck stuck a fucking needle in my neck" I say putting my hand on my neck where the needle was just a few minutes ago. 

"At least we're okay, we just gotta wait it out sis, then they will let us go is what Hope told me" landon tells me, but something didn't feel right by me.

"What about Raffie is he here too" I ask landon but he gives me a confused look

"You don't remember" he asked me

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