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Pov Alexia: 

I'm currently sitting next to Lizzie as we're listening to the new headmaster in a assembly. He's mainly talking about the changes that will take place now that dr.saltzman is gone. Everyone starts clapping as he comes to an end of his very long speech. "To that end. I would like to award our Salvatore Medal of Freedom, to the student who single- handedly defeated malivore... Mr.Landon Kirby." Everyone starts clapping again as he goes up to collect his medal. 

I shake my head watching as he stares into the crowd. I stand up leaving the assembly not needing to see anymore of this. I could tell someone was following after me so I turn around to face them. "What do you want, Lizzie?" I ask her, my voice being harsher than I had intended. "Just making sure you're alright, you left so quickly."

"God, i'm fine Lizzie! I don't need you or Josie to check on me every second of the day!" 

"Uhm, okay, sorry for caring... All i'm trying to do is make sure you're okay, because I care about you." I sigh walking closer to her. "I know and i'm sorry... I just need a minute, that's all." I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry I keep snapping at you and everyone else around me."

"Talk to me, please... I can't help you if I don't understand."

"I'm trying to be better, but lately everything only seems to have gotten worse and worse for me. And it's frustating me so much, because I don't know why."

"I mean i've got everything here, a safe place, friends, family, you...So why do I feel so lost all of the time?" Lizzie places her hand on top of mine and slowly takes it away from her face. "Maybe and i'ts okay if you don't want to, but maybe it's a idea to go talk to someone about this."

"Who would I talk to, Emma's gone."

"My dad? If not him i'm sure he knows someone, I've been feeling a lot better myself after all the therapy." I could tell she was nervous, probably thought I would be angry about her bringing it up. "Okay." 

"Okay?" She asks me questionably and I nod. "I'll talk to your dad, if you think it'll help then it's worth a shot... I do appreciate everything you've done for me, I just feel like i'm this huge burden on you."

"Nonesense, Alexia... I like you and I wanna help you just like you help me."

"You didn't mean to say that first part did you?" I ask her shocked and she buries her face in her hands. "Is it true tho? Do you... like me?" I ask taking her hands away from her face. "What if I do.. Like you?" 

"You should ask me out on a second date." I kiss her on the cheek before walking away. "Wait but.."

"I'll see you later, Liz!" 


I actually took into consideration what Lizzie said and i'm on my way to go see dr.saltzman. As soon as I walked into the school some awful smell shot up my nose which wasn't so much fun. At least the one positive is that I know this school in and out so it didn't take me long to find his office. I knock twice on his office door waiting for him. "Uhm, Alexia? What are you doing here?" He asks me as he let's me into his office. 

"Well, I was wondering if maybe you'd be willing to help me out? Lizzie suggested a therapist, but I wanna try you first... If of course you're okay with it and have time." I rant on as I walk further into his office and I notice there was already someone in here. A girl, she has auburn hair and ocean blue eyes and she's rather short.

"Oh, i'm sorry I didn't know you were busy... i'll leave. I I can come back some other time.. or not that's also fine." Alaric places his hand on my shoulder. "You're not interupting at all, Alexia. I am however a bit busy today so that talk will have to wait, but come by whenever you want and i'll make time for you."

unexpected love | Hope mikaelsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن