home isn't a place

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pov Hope:

Just my luck, I just found out i'm the person who has to run tests on Landon, to find out if he's supernatural. It would for sure help him if he was, that would mean he can stay. I also have to run those tests on Alexia, It's all complicated since we haven't gotton answers to whether she's a witch or not and since she believes she's human that would mean she can't stay either.

I walk into my room to find Alexia in bed, half awake. 

"Stop staring at me weirdo." She says to me giggling

"I uhm, you missed the assembly, they're forming an honor counsil. Dr.Saltzman also said I have to run test on you and Landon, so you have to get out of bed so we can get started."

"Uhgg fine, give me five minutes to get ready." She says getting out of bed. When Alexia was ready, which took longer then five minutes as expected, we went to Alarics office where we should see Landon soon. "What are you doing here." I hear Landons voice behind me. "Dr.Saltzman wanted me to administer your and Alexia's tests, starting with a blood analysis."


"Excuse me?"

"No, These test determine wether or not we get to stay at the school, right?" I nod. "There is no way i'm putting my future in your hands, you're biased." He says and before I could react to this Alexia spoke up.

"Can you people just, shut up. Like seriously Lan you want to find out where you came from, she'll help you find it out. So let's just get through this, I trust her and so should you." Even after Landon gave me a not so happy look he still listened to her and we went along to start the tests.

As expected he failed every test so far.

"You can stop. You failed. You have no supernatural strength."

"What's next?" He asks me, is he delusional or just stubborn cause it's pretyy obvious he's not supernatural. "Next?" I ask him in disbelief "You failed the vertical climb, the long jump and you straight-up refused to swim across the lake."

"Yeah, well, excuse the foster kid for never having swim lessons, look. I might suck at-at everything, apparently, but I only have to pass one test to stay, so i'm not giving up yet." He tells me being confidently whilst Alexia looks at him the same way I am.  "How's it going?"Asks Emma who just walked up to us.

"Landon and Alexia were just about to run sprints to the lake and back." Landon immediately runs off whilst Alexia stays where she is "uh uh, no way am I running again. I've done plenty of that the last few days and i'm done. No need to test me on that, I can very much tell you myself I am not fast." Alexia says, damn that girl really does not like running.

"Did you run the lineage spell that I left you?" Emma asks me and I did but Alexia shouldn't know about it though. "Yeah, first thing. Zero magic in his bloodline." I tell her specifically leaving Alexia's results out of it, Emma already knows about our suspicion about Alexia.  "Most humans have some trace of magical blood in their veins from a far-flung ancester."

"So what does that mean?" I ask her not knowing if that's the end or not. "We need to learn more about their past." she says and I look at Alexia who shakes her head not liking the idea of talking about the past.

"I get it, okay. This is a school for people like you Hope and we can't stay if we aren't like you, how much I wish we were, we aren't like you. I'm not doing this. these tests are stupid!" She says walking away. To be honest she hasn't done any of the test she just watched Landon do them.

"I assume no Magic in her bloodline either." Emma asks me and I shake my head. "Actually, Quite the opposite, I strongly believe she is a witch, if only she would just open up to the idea of being supernatural. she didn't do any of the test." I tell her. I still believe she might be Davina's familie she said her last name was Claire, that can't be a coincidance.

unexpected love | Hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now